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Q: What happens during subduction of earth?
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What happens to the crust during subduction?

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What happens during subduction?

Dense oceanic crust slides under less dense continental crust

What happens during a convergent boundary and what usually forms?

At a convergence boundary during collision of two plates there could either be Subduction or Outcropping. Subduction occurs when the collision involves plates of different types and densities while the other happens when it involves similar plate types. Mountain ranges are formed, also Subduction Zones gives rise to Trenches.

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What happens in a seduction zone of the earth's crust?

the correct term is subduction zone. In geology, subduction is the process that takes place at convergent boundaries by which one tectonic plate moves under another tectonic plate, sinking into the Earth's mantle, as the plates converge. from

How does subduction affect people?

For the most part, subduction of the Earth's plates don't have much effect on people - it happens, but there is nothing that changes what people do. However, it is possible for a sudden shift in the subduction zone to cause an earthquake, which necessarily is a rather large effect on the people in the area of the epicenter.

What happens after subduction?

trenches and hotspots are created

What happens at colliding boundries?

subduction happens and mountains and volcanoes form

A deep trench in the earth is called?


What happens to earth during the fall?

the earth's surface as a continental drift

Would the most violent earth quacks be associated with spreading centers or subduction zones?

subduction zones

what happens to a convergent boundary?

a subduction zone forms