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Labs have a coat that is very easy to groom. I recomend you bathe your dog once week, depending on where you live. After the bath I also recomend that you brush your dog. They shed considerably be more after a bath.

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Q: What happens if I don't groom my labador retrievers?
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What happens when you don't groom your horse regularly?

There are several skin conditions that might develop as a result of neglect. Rain rot is common, as are dandruff and lice.Yes they will! Be sure to groom horses at least once a day. If you see a horse that is not being cared for correctly, please inform animal control immediately. They will find it a new home at a local horse rescue.~Deb~Horses do not need grooming every day if they are turned out in the field all day and night, but if the horse is brought in at night/day and lives out in day/night then you should groom them when you put them in the stable at least once a day.Horses may develop Rain rot or Dandruff if they are not kept clean enough. If you do groom your horse everyday and it lives out in winter, that isn't a good idea unless you rug the horse with a heavyweight or mediumweight rug, otherwise you will groom all the natural oils in his coat out that keep him warm, but you can groom him about every 2-3 weeks to keep him clean.

How often do horses need to be groomed?

Horses dont need to be groomed every day and you dont need to groom there body that often at all unless you want to keep your horse looking very tidy but its just important you brush all the mud off your horses feet so the dont get mud fever.

Do you groom a cow?

They dont. They do lick themselves and itch on whatever they can scratch on to aleviate any itchiness they have from bugs and such, but they don't groom themselves like other mammals.

What happens if a dog is fat and dont eat?

If your dog doesn't eat, no matter if it is fat or thin, it will die.

What medium dog size breed is good with children and good with being left alone but requires little exercise?

a golden retriever is an awesome dog for kids- Yes very truethey dont bite - no, they dontdont bark, oh yes they do mine barks all the timeand are very nice with kidsthey like to play ball and go swimming and are very loyal dogs(My Golden does not bark at all, and loves to please everybody... He is very tolerant with children and loves to give kisses! Goldens are the BEST dog with children, you couldn't ask for a better dog for companionship and with kids!). i would get a rat terrier they are great with kids friendly and are very small and easy to groom but if you have allergies i would stay away they shed allot hope this helps

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