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Q: What happens if a balloon and a cloth after rubbing is in contact with a metal strip answers?
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Why do a cats fur stand up when rubbing a balloon on it?

that happens because it is electricity or static

What happen when you placed the balloon near the can after rubbing it in your head?

your hair will go towards the balloon

How rubbing the balloon on your hair and your hair will stick onto the balloon?

because she her hair was the negative charged into the balloon which it caused it to stick to the balloon....does that answer your question...

How does a balloon get a charge from rubbing it on the hair?

Friction pulls electrons from the hair to the balloon. This makes the hair positive, and the balloon negative.

Is rubbing a balloon current or static electricity?


What type of charge do you get by rubbing a balloon in your hair?


Could baking soda and rubbing alcohol make a balloon inflate?


Can you get static friction rubbing a balloon in your hair?

Yes, by rubbing a balloon in your hair or sliding your feet across the carpet, you can create static friction. However, sometimes, this may take some time to notice it.

When you rub an air filles balloon with your dry hair and press it against the wall . Explain why?

The friction from rubbing the balloon against your hair charges the balloon up with static electricity.

A rubbed balloon will stick to a wooden wall which demonstrated charge?

A rubbed balloon will stick to a wooden wall demonstrating the charge of static electricity. The friction of the rubbing of the balloon causes the charge to build.

What is the kind of electricity you create by rubbing a balloon on your head?

Rubbing a balloon on your head creates static electricity. This occurs due to the transfer of electrons between the balloon and your hair, causing the balloon to become negatively charged. The negatively charged balloon can then attract or repel other objects, creating small electrical sparks or causing your hair to stand on end.

How is science related to energy?

Science is related to energy because you can have a balloon and make energy with it,You can do that by rubbing the balloon on the hair and then move the balloon up and the hair will stick up if yo uhave done it correctly.