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There are many different poisons for rats and mice. It is critical to know what type if poison was ingested. Some poisons are more treatable than others. Also, the amount consumed relative to the dog's weight is important. If you suspect you dog has consumed rat or mouse poison, find out what exact type and brand your dog has consumed and contact your vet immediately.

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If the poison is the popular product called d-Con, the dog will unfortunately die, even if she has ingested a tiny amount. This compound causes blood to disintegrate into its separate parts, causing certain death.

In my opinion, I would not use d-Con in a house with pets. Consult with a professional exterminator to find a safer alternative for getting rid of mice.

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Q: What happens if a dog eats mouse poison?
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What happens if dog eats mouse poison?

If the poison is the popular product called d-Con, the dog will unfortunately die, even if she has ingested a tiny amount. This compound causes blood to disintegrate into its separate parts, causing certain death. In my opinion, I would not use d-Con in a house with pets. Consult with a professional exterminator to find a safer alternative for getting rid of mice.

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What if dogs eats mouse poison?

Depending on how much mouse poison was eaten, because it is POISON, death is a rare side effect, and nausea and throwing up could occur in the dog. Mouse poison and rat poison are usually chemical that stop blood clotting resulting in internal haemorrhaging leading to death. Really nasty stuff. Similar chemicals are used to thin blood in victims of heart attack under strictly controlled dosage. Needless to say if a dog eats the stuff it runs the same risk as the mouse but it has to eat a lot more of it. It would be advise able to have a word with your local animal welfare organization for advice. In the mean time keep the animal if it is active protected from getting any cuts as it will be very difficult to stop the bleeding.

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The correct word is cigarettes, anyway if your dog eats cigarettesImmediately pour two tablespoons hydrogen peroxide down its throat to make it barf, do it outside. You need to get that poison out of the dog. tobaccois toxic.Go to a vet pharmacyCall the Animal Poison Control Center if you have a credit card.find your local emergency clinicIf you live in North America (NA) there is a animal poison control center (APCC)Tobacco is toxic to dogs

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My dog had a mouse in its mouth that was killed by rat poison. should i be worried?

Yes I would be worried. If the dog didn't ingest the rat, then it may not be too bad, but please take your dog to a vet. There could be residue in it's mouth that might be taken in when it eats or drinks.

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