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Girls under a certain age wear hair ribbons

Boys under a certain age have long hair

Children under 9 don't ride bikes, they ride with their parents

Bikes should be put neatly in their garages

People don't leave their homes at night without permission; they must stay inside

People don't take snacks home from work/school

People don't read books other than the three each home comes equipped with

People don't lie

People don't keep leftovers from the meals they are provided with; the leftover are put on the outside step to be collected and recycled

People dress alike

People don't ask personal questions of other people

You don't brag about yourself

You don't point out personal differences

People don't mention Rosemary's name

Aside from the Old and babies, people don't see each other naked

You don't question anything

Everyone participates in the ritual of Feelings and Dreams

All adults (beginning at adolescence and ending with the Old) take Stirrings Pills

People normally stay within the Community's town limits

All children of a certain age attend school

At 12, students beginning training for jobs

At birth, each Newchild is given a Comfort Object (stuffed animal) which he/she will relinquish at a certain age

All people leave the speaker within their homes ON (they apparently don't realize they can be spied on within their own homes)

Percision of Language is essential

Nine years olds could ride bikes alone

Breaking the Rules three times would cause a person to be Released

No doors are locked

When a person wishes a spouse, he/she must apply for one

A couple must be married three years before applying for a child

Each family consists of a mother, father, son, daughter

Birth Mothers are not allowed to have a spouse or children

Children must perform so many Volunteer Hours before being given their Assignments

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1mo ago

The consequences of the strict rules in "The Giver" include limited personal freedoms, suppression of emotions, and a lack of individuality. These rules aim to maintain societal order and stability but ultimately lead to a loss of humanity and diversity among the citizens.

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11y ago

I'm not a hundred percent positive but, I believe if a minor rule is broken you just have a gentle chastisement (criticize).

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10y ago

I know where you live O.o

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Q: What are the consequences of the rules in the giver?
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What happened to the people who do not follow rules . the giver?

In "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, people who do not follow the rules in the community are subjected to punishment based on the severity of their actions. This can vary from public shaming to being released from the community, which is a form of exile or even euthanasia in extreme cases. The consequences are meant to maintain the stability and conformity of the society.

What was the recivers rules in The Giver?

there rules were to go choke on the ball

Why are the rules particularly puzzling in the giver?

The rules in "The Giver" are particularly puzzling because they limit personal choice and freedom in an effort to maintain control and create sameness within the community. This strict control contrasts with the emotions and memories that the Receiver of Memories experiences, leading to confusion and curiosity about the value of individuality and emotional experiences. The rules also create tension as characters grapple with the consequences of breaking them and the implications of questioning authority in a seemingly perfect society.

What was Jonas' most relentless fear in the giver?

Jonas' most relentless fear in "The Giver" was the fear of failing in his role as the Receiver of Memory and bringing chaos to his community by challenging its rules and beliefs. He feared the consequences of revealing the truths about their controlled society, as well as the pain and suffering that came with holding on to the memories.

What Are societies rules about Stirrings in The Giver?

it's puberty

What are Jonas's weakness in The Giver?

Some of Jonas's weaknesses in "The Giver" are his naivety, lack of experience with difficult emotions, and his willingness to challenge the rules of his society without fully understanding the consequences.

What are the three examples of seeing beyond in the giver?

Jonas is able to see beyond the strict rules and regulations of the community to understand the value of emotions and individuality. The Giver, who transmits memories to Jonas, can see beyond the controlled and limited experiences of the community to remember the depth of human experience. Jonas and the Giver both see beyond the facade of a perfect society to recognize the sacrifices and consequences that have been hidden from the residents.

What is the difference between rules and procedures?

the difference is that Rules are for undesirable behaviors that have set consequences while procedures are expected classroom behaviors with no set consequences for a violation.

Are the consequences fair in The Giver why or why not?

its not fair because people should have some freedom to things they want and do

How are the giver rules similar to our rules?

The giver rules share similarities with our societal rules in terms of maintaining social order, regulating behavior, and ensuring harmony within a community. Both sets of rules are meant to provide structure, promote fairness, and guide individuals towards certain values and norms that are deemed important for the well-being of the group. However, in The Giver, the rules are more extreme and controlling, reflecting a dystopian society where individual freedoms are sacrificed for the greater good.

What are the rules for twos and three's in The Giver?

This is a inapropiate question

Why were the rules very hard to change the giver chapter 2?
