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Q: What happens if listeria is left undiagnosed or treated?
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What happens is pleurisy is not treated correctly?

If left untreated, a more serious infection may develop within the fluid, called empyema.

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People are left to clean up debris, repair and rebuild. People who are injured will have to be treated. Some may, at least temporarily, have to find another place to live. In some cases some people will be left to bury the dead.

What happens to flea infested cats if left untreated?

Eventualy the cat will become anaemic due to the constant feeding from the fleas. The cat will die if not treated

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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or COPD can be extremely serious if left undiagnosed or if not properly treated. If you have some of the symptoms of COPD you should certainly consult your doctor.

What happens when cooked rice left out at room temp overnight?

Bacteria will grow rapidly and reproduce. i do not recommend eating the rice the next day because you will have an increased risk of food poisoning, especially listeria and salmonella. :)

What possible complication is associated with pauciarticular juvenile arthritis?

a serious inflammation of structures within the eye, which if left undiagnosed and untreated could even lead to blindness. This condition is known as uveitis

How should rhinos be treated?

with respect or just left alone

Can crusty eyes kill guinea pigs?

If your guinea pig has crusty eyes, most likely it has some sort of infection or allergy causing the eye to produce discharge. If left untreated and undiagnosed, it could potentially cause blindness and systemic issues, not to mention discomfort and/or pain. You should take your guinea pig to your veterinarian to avoid any further discomfort or issues and have the problem treated by a professional.

Who insists that romeo be treated as a guest and left alone?

Lord Capulet

What happens to a deceased persons home and possessions if they are left to a niece and the niece legally declines same does the home and property revert back to the estate?

Yes, the property will stay in the estate to be distributed according to the will. Her part will be treated as not being there and the remainderman will get it.