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Eventully the infectiopn would take over your whole lungs and sufficate you.

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Q: What happens if the whooping cough is left untreated?
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What is the prognosis for whooping cough?

It really depends on how long the whooping cough goes untreated as to how much damage it does. With modern medicine, it is usually caught quickly, but sometimes it is misdiagnosed and slips by.When left untreated it can cause a variety of problems, the main being a deep gasping cough.Also:pneumoniaear infectionsloss of appetiteseizuresdifficulty breathingdeathAfter whooping cough has been treated and the patient is no longer infected, the cough can remain for many weeks after.

What happens to you when you have a eating disorder?

If left untreated it can kill you.

Who mother was sold and suffered from whooping cough and was left to die?

About 10% of all mothers in the world. Maybe even less.

What happens if an infected burn is left untreated?

it hurts and puss comes out

What happens if Micro Colitis is left untreated?

you will eventually die well....... Y.O.L.O.

What happens if leprosy is left untreated?

It can spread and effect the other organs in your body.

What are some symptoms of Cough?

Some of the symptoms of kennel cough are a honking cough, hacking up foamy liquid, and the animal moving around less than usual. Kennel cough is usually not a serious condition but can develop into a more serious illness if left untreated.

What are some symptoms of kennel cough?

Some of the symptoms of kennel cough are a honking cough, hacking up foamy liquid, and the animal moving around less than usual. Kennel cough is usually not a serious condition but can develop into a more serious illness if left untreated.

What happens if aids is left untreated?

you die a slow and painful death in the pits of hell

How can a soar throat become a larger problem if left untreated?

It can become a problem beacuse it may lead to other stuff such as, cough, fever, vomit,etc

What happens is papilledema is left untreated?

prolonged papilledema can result in permanent damage to the optic nerve which could lead to blindness.

How many whooping crane are left?

There r 150 left