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Like any other hydrocarbons, benzene and methylbenzene burn in a plentiful supply of oxygen to give carbon dioxide, water and oxygen my guess would be that if you didnt have enough in the first place nothing would happen becuase the eqaution of combustion has to be ballance so if thers 2 h2o there has to be to of everthing else or nothing would happen

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2w ago

Insufficient oxygen during combustion of a hydrocarbon can lead to incomplete combustion, producing carbon monoxide (a toxic gas) instead of carbon dioxide. This can pose health risks if inhaled. Additionally, incomplete combustion results in lower energy output compared to complete combustion.

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Q: What happens if there is an insufficient supply of oxygen during the combustion of a hydrocarbon?
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What gas is produced during combustion?

During combustion, carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor (H2O) are typically produced as waste products. However, other gases such as carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) may also be formed depending on the specific conditions of the combustion process.

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When carbon dioxide gas is involved in a reaction, it can act as a reactant, product, or catalyst. It can participate in reactions such as combustion where it reacts with oxygen to form carbon dioxide and heat. In other cases, it can act as a catalyst in reactions like the synthesis of urea.

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Combustion is a chemical reaction between a fuel source and an oxidizing agent (such as oxygen) that releases heat and light. The fuel is oxidized, producing carbon dioxide, water vapor, and heat energy as byproducts. This process is exothermic, meaning it releases energy in the form of heat and light.

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What is the main gas released during complete combustion of fossil fuels?

Carbon dioxide, CO2. The word and sybol equations are: hydrocarbon + oxygen --> carbon dioxide + water CH4 +2H2O --> + CO2 (+energy) Hope this helped!

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Carbon monoxide is produced during incomplete combustion of any hydrocarbon or fossil fuel. Adding oxygenates (molecules containing oxygen) to the fuel and maintaining the proper air/fuel ratio can reduce the amount of carbon monoxide generated.

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Glowing gases observed during combustion is called a "flame."

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If air is limited during combustion, the process may be incomplete and result in less fuel being burned. This can lead to the formation of carbon monoxide, a toxic gas. Additionally, the amount of heat produced may be reduced, impacting the efficiency of the combustion process.

Is oxygen one result of combustion?

Yes, oxygen is used as a reactant in combustion reactions and is often depleted during the process as it combines with other elements to form combustion products such as carbon dioxide and water vapor. These combustion products contain the oxygen atoms that were part of the original reactant.

Is moecular oxygen a reaction during a combustion?

No. Molecular oxygen is a reactant in a combustion reaction.

What are the similarities between this equation for burning glucose and the equation for cellular respiration of gluclose when oxygen is available?

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