

What happens if you are 12 years old and pregnant?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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Social Services and perhaps the police will be quite interested in knowing who the father is, as he has committed a crime. A you're probably not fully grown you can expect a difficult delivery, and you'll find it hard to finish school.

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Q: What happens if you are 12 years old and pregnant?
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What if im 12 years old and pregnant?

if you are 12 years old and pregnant then i strongly advise you to if you not have done this yet to tell a parent or a adult that you trust and ask them because different outcomes are recommended for different situations but i recommend that you have the baby and if not adoption then raise it with a trusted adults help

Can 12 year old be pregnant?

Yes, a 12 year old may be able to be pregnant.

What happens to a 12 year old boy who got a 12 year old girl pregnant?

Samething that happens to all fathers they either stick with the mother of their child or pay child support which the mother can go after you or your family for if you are too young to have a job.

Can a 11 year old get pregnant by another 11 year old?

at that stage in your life sexual intercourse should not be happeneing anyway. but if it happens to occur, you may become pregnant. males start producing sperm between the ages of 10-12 years old. females generally are able to conceive at the age of 9. In turn you have just as much of a possibility of getting pregnant as any one else.

How old do you have to be to become a parent?

If you can get pregnant you can be a parent. There are children that have children at 12-18 years old so there isn't exactly a way to prevent it.

What should you do if you're only 12 years old and you find out you're 3 months pregnant?

deal with it or have an abortion.

Im 12 years old and i have just had sex.will i be pregnant?

I assume you get periods, so if you miss your next one, it could mean theres a baby, but it seems unlikely at your age. If there happens to be more sec in the future, USE A CONDOM!!! You're probably not pregnant, so dont sweat it.

When is the right time to have intercourse for pegnancy?

i have already been pregnant and i am 12 years old i have 6 babies i have ruined my life