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You find yourself with half an ounce less C4 than you started out with.

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Q: What happens if you blow up half an ounce of C4?
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How do you make c4 blow up in roblox?

You have to wire the C4 to a switch.

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The C4 is used to blow up large crates the CTs are supposed to save from destruction.

How do you find the VIN on your suzuki?

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C4 and a detonator

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What happens to the C4 do if it is defused on cs?

It actually vanishes.

How much does one Black Ops 2 C4 weigh?

One C4 weighs about 1 and a half pounds in call of duty.

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What do C4 do?

C4 is an plastic explosive commonly used to demolish (blow up) old buildings and other unwanted structures. It's not commonly used or at all used in combat because it is a somewhat unwieldy explosive.

How do you blow your engine?

by driving like a nob or simply by carefully placing a c4 and a timer? :) and what exactly the reason in blowing your engine?

What button do you press to blow up c4 in just cause 2 ps3?

hold down the button you use to throw it