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You get stung...

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12y ago

wasps swarm out and sting you

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Q: What happens if you disturb the wasp nest during the summer?
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What happens if you disturb a wasp nest during hibernation?

Only new queen wasps hibernate, and they don't do it in the old nest, the rest die when the cold weather comes. So in winter there should be no live wasps in a nest, and nothing should happen if it is disturbed.Watch the nest for a while to see if there is any activity, and if you have the slightest doubt get professional help to remove it.

Why shoudn't you disturb an occupied bird nest?

If the nest has eggs in it you might harm the chicks.

Why should you not disturb a occupied nest?

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Ya it is very bad indeed. Coz they dont live in a nest and if you find in a nest you wouldn't want to disturb them coz they are already homeless...

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penguins build their nest in summer

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The Ice and the permafrost melts and all the summer birds come to feed and nest and all the mosquitoes hatch.

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Most ants have no wings, but during summer, you can see swarms of winged ants flying out looking for a new nest.

Can a sparrow's nest be moved?

No, it would disturb the bird too much and it wouldn't come back, but if it was abandoned yes.

Which country does spicy birds' nest soup come from?

Spain. they nest every summer mostly in the south

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the only reason an eagle would attack under normal circumstances is if a person tries to disturb a nest.

Where do Canada Geese live?

Woodlands. Any place with water and lots of grass and fields with nearby ponds.