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Linnea Beatty

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Q: What happens if you don't get enough dairy in your body?
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you die.

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What happens to your body when you dont get enough energy?

First, it is the body that generates the energy needed via eating and drinking. If you stopped eating and drinking then death would result.

What happens if you dont get enough fats?

you will feel cold and you wont have enough energy

What happens when you dont get enough nucleic acid?

because if we dont i will die lol :)

What your fingers and nails can tell you?

If your finger nails are cracking, soft or have a white line means that you dont have enough calsuim and taht means that you dont eat/drink enough dairy products

What happens if you dont get enough vitamin d?

Not getting enough vitamin D can lead to a deficiency, which can cause issues like weakened bones, increased risk of fractures, muscle weakness, fatigue, and impaired immune function. Severe cases of vitamin D deficiency can lead to conditions like rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults.

What happens if you dont get enough water in your body?

You could become dehydrated, and die from thirst. The human body is mostly made up of water, and when a person looses too much water, they can die.

What happens of you dont have enough minerals?

your blood cells will be weak and you will be sick.

What happens if you drink Gatorade and dont do nothing?

You'll have added a lot of calories that you won't use up to the body. If you do it often enough you run the risk of becoming overweight.

What happens when plants and animals do not get enough air?

they begin to die, for example if you dont get enough air what will happen to you?