

What happens if you dont have windows on a plane?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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Windows on a plane (except the cockpit and entry/exit doors) do not serve a purpose only to allow passengers a view to the outside world. In fact, planes would be lighter without windows saving fuel and money. This would make for a boring plane ride, however!

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Q: What happens if you dont have windows on a plane?
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Dont! if you go on a plane with an ear infection it could cause you to be deaf or it could really really hurt! One more time dont go on an airplane with an ear infection!

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the windows are always closed because if it opens,people will end up fying off the plane,the whole plane can come in to total wreckage,so the windows are also double glazed,and there will be a lot of sound around the aircraft,and due to that the pilot can crash the plane out of disturbance.

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Perhaps they named it Windows. Some versions of Windows crash a lot.

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You might feel your windows moving due to the sound waves that the plane gives off. Depending on how low the plane is they might be rattling due to the wind given off of the plane.

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They dont!

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i dont think itdid...

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