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You get "Tinsel"-it is!

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Q: What happens if you eat too many Christmas decorations?
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What happens when you eat Christmas decorations?

It depends. If they have lead paint, you may vomit and lose brain cells. Depending on the size, you could choke. DO NOT EAT YOUR CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS!

How do you make Christmas come fast?

You cant make it come fast because there is 24 hours in everyday. But you can make the time feel like it goes fast by... Making christmas cards Putting decorations up Eat mince pies Get in the christmas mood Make decorations Have sunday roasts (similar to christmas dinners) Go christmas shopping Wrap presents And much more things to do with christmas it will make the time fly.

When it comes to this Christmas favorite this happens 28 times?

eat cookies

What happens in France on Christmas Day?

french eat food :P

Which part of a Christmas tree is edible?

First Answer:Christmas trees are not edible, because you can't eat wood. However pine needles are edible.

What do Mexicans eat in the season of Christmas?

There are many foods the Mexicans eat in the season of Christmas such as tamales. Mexicans also eat Rosca de Reyes.

What do many familys eat during this celebration?

what do familys eat during the Christmas celebration in Australia what do familys eat during the Christmas celebration in Australia

What are some foods you eat at Christmas?

First of all, it is spelled Christmas. Anyway, there are many different foods that you can eat on this holiday. It depends on your heritage. I am Spanish and on Christmas, I eat pork shoulder, pernil, with rice and beans. Some people eat turkey on Christmas or they eat a delicious ham.

Christmas cake in Italy?

At Christmas many Italians eat a cake called "pannetone".

What kind of food did Christmas eat?

Christmas ate too many bagels with kitten sauce. Christmas got very sick.

Where is the place that many australians eat Christmas dinner?


How many families eat turkey for Christmas?

every family