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you suck. no chance of getting into college. i'm sorry

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Q: What happens if you get 3 Fs in your report card?
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What 3 letters are missing from fs?

a l and e

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Another term for 'what is what' is what's what. I do not really know how to explain it well but I will use it in a story:There are two papers. One is a quiz, one is a report card. A boy tells his mom one is a test, the other is a report card. The mother says what is what or which is which. The boy says which ones the report card, and which ones the test.I'm not sure if that is what you meant in your question but hope my answer helps!

What information is found on a credit report?

1. Name of cardholder 2. 16 digit credit card number 3. Credit card expiration date 4. 3 digit verification code (on back)

What is (-105 (-35))(-3 5)?

Another term for 'what is what' is what's what. I do not really know how to explain it well but I will use it in a story:There are two papers. One is a quiz, one is a report card. A boy tells his mom one is a test, the other is a report card. The mother says what is what or which is which. The boy says which ones the report card, and which ones the test.I'm not sure if that is what you meant in your question but hope my answer helps!

If you have four f's on your report card will you flunk?

of course you will flunk

Is making 3 C's on my report card bad?

No because C's are average but the next semester try to bring them up to B's

Who fs fliped over Hollywood highs 16 rail?

Andrew Reynolds in baker 3

Who established Saint Augustine?

Ok, I know what it is now. It is Menendez. ;]

Is making 3 C's on my report card bad--they are in all AP classes?

It is not so good, but parents shouldnt make a huge deal about it

Character stuffing in C?

#include #include main() { char a[30],fs[50]="",t[3],sd,ed,x[3],s[3],d[3],y[3]; int i,j,p=0,q=0; clrscr(); printf("Enter characters to be stuffed : "); scanf("%s",a); printf("\nEnter a character that represents starting delimiter : "); scanf(" %c",&sd); printf("\nEnter a character that represents ending delimiter : "); scanf(" %c",&ed); x[0]=s[0]=s[1]=sd; x[1]=s[2]='\0'; y[0]=d[0]=d[1]=ed; d[2]=y[1]='\0'; strcat(fs,x); for(i=0;i { t[0]=a[i]; t[1]='\0'; if(t[0]==sd) strcat(fs,s); else if(t[0]==ed) strcat(fs,d); else strcat(fs,t); } strcat(fs,y); printf("\nAfter stuffing : %s",fs); getch(); }

How can you check your personal credit report with out a credit card?

You are now entitled to one free credit report per year from the top 3 agencies; Experian, Equifax, and Transunion. Simply go to and follow directions.

Does fingerhut report to credit bureaus?

Fingerhut reports your payment activity to the major credit card bureaus, but it won't report if you are just 2-3 days late. You can read more information about this topic at the related link.