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Q: What happens if you have 15 beats per minute?
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How many times does a woodpecker wings beats per minute?

80 times per minute

How do you calculate heart beats per minute?

Count how many times your heart beats....for one minute. Or count for 15 seconds and multiply by 4.

Is 86 beats per minute good for a 15 year old girl?

That is about right.

Is 90 heart beats per minute healthy in a 15 year old?

90 beats per minute is still healthy... If you are constantly below 60 call your doctor or if it is above 100 take a rest. But 80 to 90 beats is good!

What is the normal adult respiratory rate?

12 to 20 respiratory cycles per minute.12

How fast do hummingbirds wings and heart beat?

Hummingbirds are one of the smallest birds on earth. They eat a nectar of sugar and water when fed by humans. Their heart rate is typically 50 to 180 beats although it can be as fast 1260 beats. The wings beat at a rate of 10 to 15 beats a second.

How many times does a dog heart beat in 15 minutes?

Small Dog - 140-160 beats per minute Medium Dog - 120-140 beats per minute Large Dog - 60-80 beats per minute This is vague, so allow for 10bpm inaccuracy either side of each band.

What is the unit measure of a pulse rate?

find a pulse using your index and middle fingers, and count the number of beats in one minute. -apex :)

What happens if a18 month heart rate is above 150 beats a minute?

The child is either having a heart attack( it is possible at that age) or has had a heart shock( increases heart rate by 15 beats per minute). The child must get immediate help or he/she will die. It is quite a fatal risk if help is not near.

Why do you breathe faster and your heart beats faster when you exercise?

Your cardiac out put is about 5 litres per hour. It may increase in severe exercise to 25 litres per minute. Your muscles get about 20 litres of blood supply, instead of less than a litre per minute. To meet the increased demand, your heart beats at faster rate. It may go up from 72 beats per minute to 180 beats per minute. You need more oxygen to saturate more blood and to meet the increased demand of oxygen. So your rate of breathing may rise from resting rate of 12 to 15 per minute to 60 per minute.

How many wing beats per second for a falcon?

Mockingbirds averagely beat their wings 15 times per second. So they average around 900 wing beats usually per minute.

Is it normal for a 15 year old to have a heartbeat of 86 beats a minute?

The normal heart rate for a 16 year old female would be between 60-100 BBM. 54 BPM in a resting state is not unusual. A healthy athletic female may have a lower blood pressure and heart rate than a non athletic female. This is due to the heart being trained, so to speak, in being more efficient.