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Q: What happens if you have an overdue public intoxication ticket?
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Could you be fired for a public intoxication ticket?

depends on your job and your boss

What is the penalty for public intoxication in ILlinois?

I'm 21 years old, just got a ticket last night for public intoxication. Had a beer with me when walking to a party. The ticket is 165$, the cops say that its a city ordinance violation and does not show up on record.

Cost of public intoxication ticket in Texas?

It is $389. I got ones this weekend at the Texas vs. Oklahoma game.

If you received a MIP and public intoxication ticket in Utah but dont live there what is your punishment?

You will be charged whatever fine is associated with that violation.

How much does a public intox ticket cost in the state of Utah?

In the state of Utah, public intoxication is a Class C misdemeanor. You can receive a 90 day jail term and ticket with a fine amount of up to $750.

Is Public intoxication in Texas a misdemeanor?

Yes, public intoxication is a Class C Misdemeanor (same category as a speeding ticket), except it looks worse on your record. It is punishable by a fine of up to $500 and usually requires 4-12 hours in jail at the time of the incident.

How much will a littering ticket cost in California?

The ticket for public intoxication in California could cost up to 1,000 US dollars. A prison sentence may also be imposed if convicted.

What happens if you dont pay a drinking in public ticket?

If you don't pay a drinking in public ticket, you may face additional fines, a warrant for your arrest, or potential consequences such as a suspended driver's license or community service. It's best to address the ticket promptly to avoid further complications.

Can you get a DUI if you are riding a horse drunk?

The charge would probably be 'public intoxication'. Not in most states. You need to be "Operating a Motor Vehicle" and a horse is not a motor vehicle. If you do some research on the web you can be armed with as much knowledge and info as an expensive traffic attorney. You will be able to argue your case and maybe get a reduction or dismissal of the ticket.

What happens if a ticket has no amount or court costs to pay anywhere on ticket?

you have no ticket. or unless your name is on it.

What happens if you get a ticket for no inspection sticker?

You have to pay the ticket. And go through inspection.

What is the Statute of Limitations for Public Intoxication ticket in Texas?

There normally is not going to be one. Statute of Limitations is to prevent someone being accused of something years after it happened when witnesses are not available and memories are not fresh. A ticket eliminates this issue. Once a ticket has been issued, there is no requirement that there be any sort of time frame associated with resolving it. As laws vary form place to place, you would have to check with the issuing authority, city, county or state to resolve this citation.