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It's easy you get brain hurt

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stroke, parralissis and death.

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Q: What happens if you hurt your brain?
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How does the brain perceive the intensity of a stimulus?

There are a number of different ways that the brain perceives stimuli. If a person is hurt, the brain sends a reaction to the body. If something good happens, the brain sends good reactions to the body.

What happens when you step on a sharp object?

There are millions of pain nerves in your body, and if your body experiences pain in an area of your body, then the pain nerves send a signal to your brain at approx. 300 mph, telling your brain that something just hurt you.

If you have a tumor on your brain where would it hurt the most?

It would hurt in the front of your brain and sometimes the back I have a brain tumor(lesion) and it hurts from the front mostly

Why does it hurt when you get hurt?

Pain is a signal from your body to your brain that something is wrong. Nerves in the injured area send pain signals to the brain, prompting a protective response to prevent further injury. This reaction helps to ensure you take care of the injury to promote healing.

Why do animals have brain and nevres?

for the same reason we do , a brain to move and think, nevres so that if you scuff your knee or hurt yourself your nervous system delivers a message to your brain telling you you have hurt yourself

What happens when you sneeze your brain out?

You can't sneeze your brain out

How often do people cry?

People cry because when something bad happens like you get hurt or something like that. The brain has a part for emotions. Part of it is for sadness or crying. So when your nerves or another part of your body send a message to your brain and that's what activates your brain to cry or feel pain.

What happens to the brain when a nerve breaks?

What happen to brain if brain nerve break

What can hurt or damage the brain?

Getting hit on the head

Does Hypernatremia hurt the brain?

Hypernatremia can cause neurological damage due to shrinkage of brain cells

When you get hurt what happens in the skeletal system?

hurt in what way, you have to be more specific

What happens if you go in a big rain?

What happens is you get hurt and wet