

What happens if you lack protein?

Updated: 6/16/2024
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14y ago

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Well, i have to get my blood taken allot from the medication I take, and I've had this problem before. It just means that when you get sick its harder for you to get better, you have a higher chance of getting sick, and when you get hurt you don't heal as fast. Upping your protein intake is very easy if you like egg's. I had to eat two eggs a day to get my levels back to normal. I hope I helped ,, ! :)

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Colby Leffler

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1y ago
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1mo ago

If you lack protein in your diet, it can lead to symptoms like muscle loss, slow wound healing, weakened immune system, and fatigue. Protein is essential for building and repairing tissues in the body, so it's important to ensure you have an adequate intake through your diet.

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What happens when a protein sequence changes?

When a protein sequence changes, it can impact the structure and function of the protein. This can result in altered protein-protein interactions, changes in enzymatic activity, or disruption of protein folding. In some cases, protein sequence changes can lead to diseases or abnormalities in cellular processes.

What disorder is characterized by a lack of protein dystrophin?

Duchenne muscular dystrophy is the disorder characterized by a lack of protein dystrophin. This genetic disorder affects muscle function and leads to progressive muscle weakness and degeneration. It primarily affects boys and can result in mobility issues and other complications.

If Edema appears when there is a severe lack of dietary protein because?

Edema can occur with severe lack of dietary protein due to decreased levels of albumin in the blood, which helps maintain the balance of fluids in the body. When albumin levels drop, fluid can leak out of blood vessels and accumulate in tissues, leading to swelling or edema. Replenishing protein in the diet can help increase albumin levels and reverse the edema.

What organelles do erythrocytes lack?

Erythrocytes, or red blood cells, lack a nucleus, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, and Golgi apparatus. They are primarily focused on carrying oxygen and lack many organelles to make room for hemoglobin, the protein responsible for oxygen transport.

What happens to a molecule off protein during digestion?

During digestion, proteins are broken down into their individual amino acids by enzymes in the stomach and small intestine. These amino acids are then absorbed into the bloodstream and used by the body for various functions such as building muscle, repairing tissues, and supporting immune function.

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What happens to the body if lack of protein?

you die

What happens after lack of protein?

When there is a lack of protein in the body, a deficiency disease occurs called kwashiorkor.This is characterized by softening of bones and loosening of teeth

What is protein malnutrition caused by?

Lack of protein, I suppose.

What causes lack of protein?

lack of protein is usually associated with vegans,vegetarians but is when the person is not receiving enough protein though their diet and usually stems from not eating meat as that is the main source of protein for humans.

What is the name of the disease caused by not eating enough protein?

A lack of protein does not cause an eating disorder. Instead, that can cause anemia.

What happens if you dont eat anything after lifting weights?

Mosy possibly faint from lack of nutrients and electrolytes. That and you will get the exact oppostite results. You will start to find your self getting weaker instead of stronger because of the lack of protein in your diet.

"Why do I become hungry after eating"?

lack of protein

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What decreases muscle build?

Lack of protein and nutrients.

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Can dizzy spells be caused from a lack of protein?

Yes, dizzy spells can be caused from a lack of protein. You should increase your intake of lean red meat, eggs, beans and lentils.

What are the sources of kwashiorkor?

Kwashiorkor (Protein malnutrition) is not a disease that it transmitted. Kwashiorkor is caused by a lack of protein in the diet.