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Not much really happens.

The salt (sodium chloride) dissociates into sodium ions and chloride ions in solution.

The vinegar (acetic acid) dissociates into hydrogen ions (protons) and acetate ions in solution.

The solid salt will most often dissolve in the vinegar. But, that's about it.

Now, if you have something like a metal in the salt and vinegar solution, the chloride ions can induce nucleophilic attack on the metal ions, resulting in corrosion of the metal.

If you boiled away the water in the solution, you would be left with some proportion of sodium chloride (salt), anhydrous acetic acid, and sodium acetate.

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It became salted vinegar

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Q: What happens if you leave Salt and vinegar together overnight?
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Boil the kettle, fill a sink or bucket up add quite a bit of vinegar and washing up liquid and leave overnight.

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Perhaps you can try descaling your kettle. You can either purchase a descaler or put 1/3 white vinegar + 2/3 water in the kettle and boil that. Leave the solution in the kettle overnight after boiling. The next day, dump out the vinegar solution and boil with just water. Leave that overnight and rinse out the kettle and you can use the kettle for making hot beverages now.

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nothing bad. it may harden or start to smell bad, but it wont harm your skin or anything.

Does vinegar cure a wart?

this a way you can cure it! Dip cotton ball in vinegar and attach it to the spot with tape or band aid. Leave on overnight and you should notice the wart disappear in a week or so.This could be also done with alcohol or lime juice, they work the same way.