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Q: What happens if you lose a tooth on Easter that's a baby tooth?
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Do baby geckos have teeth?

yes egg tooth thats what its called

Is it rare to have a baby tooth as an adult?

not as much as you think. It actually happens quite often. when it does, you treat that tooth as a permanent tooth and fill cavities. You can even crown a baby tooth if there is no permanent tooth underneath it. If you have a permanent tooth under it, they usually extract the baby tooth.

Why is there tooth?

there is know tooth fairy or santa or easter bunny kids . A tooth is for chewing food. Baby teeth fall out to make way for permanent teeth.

What happens if a baby cats tooth falls out?

Their adult tooth grows in its place. This u normal

What happens when there is no adult tooth following the baby tooth?

If the baby tooth is in good condition and is stable, it may be left alone. If its is not or is an aesthetic issue, then extraction and prosthodontic replacement( implant) may be a better or necessary option.

What happens to root when baby tooth comes out?

Actually, by the time your tooth falls out, the roots have nearly completely dissolved by the erupting permanent tooth. This is called exfoliation

What happens when you still have a baby tooth and the dentist wants to remove it and then replace it with a permanent tooth does it hurt and is it a serious procedure?

Yes and yes

How do you compare a baby tooth from an adult?

A baby tooth is smaller than a adult tooth.

What is a baby tooth?

A baby tooth is a tooth which will be replaced when it has been lost by the child to whom it belongs, and replaced with a permanent, adult tooth.

If you have a baby tooth and an adult tooth is growing in front of the baby tooth would you need to remove the baby tooth?

This is very common in children where the adult tooth comes out behind or in front of the baby tooth. Sometimes the baby tooth becomes loose as the adult tooth comes out more and extraction is not necessary. If the tooth is not becoming loose, then the tooth should be removed. Dentist Richmond Hill

When does your baby loose there first tooth?

Your baby can loose there first tooth around the age of six. Your baby can loose there first tooth around the age of six.

What does mixed period dentition begin with?

Either when a permanent molar erupts in the back or with the loss of a deciduous (baby) tooth and eruption of a permanent (adult) tooth taking its place. Whichever happens first.