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nothing, you can fight him again.

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Q: What happens if you lose against red in Pokemon soul silver?
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As happens in any other battle you black out. lose some money and end up back at the nearest Pokemon centre. Your challenge will have to be restarted.

What happens if you lose at the Pokemon league?

If you lose in the elite four you have to restart the elite four. :(

What happens if you lose a Pokemon battle?

You will lose some of your money (half your money in the GBA games), and be returned to the nearest Pokemon Center, where your Pokemon wil be healed.

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I think she laughs at you.

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You lose all of your pokemans

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Losing to Eusine results in you whiting out, as what happens when you lose a normal trainer/gym leader battle. You're returned to the last Pokemon Center and lose half of your money.

What happens if you lose the razor claw on Pokemon platinum?

its gone u dont get another

What happens when you lose dive in Pokemon mystery dungeon red rescue team?

Yahoo it;)

If a Pokemon uses knock off against your Pokemon and you lose your item is there anyway to get it back?

Yes, you get it back righr after the battle.

What happens if you lose the battle between you and n?

you have to go to the pokemon center. Save before you battle N and turn it off if you lose.