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Q: What happens if you mix 1 oz of 20 volume and 1oz of 10 volume developer to hair color?
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Does Chi hair color have bleach in it?

No, it lifts your natural hair color by use of the developer. The higher the volume of the developer the more lift you will get in your hair.

When mixing hair color what happens if you put in too much developer?

What happens if you use to much hair developer to hair dye

What does 30 volume do for hair color?

30 volume developer will lighten the hair three levels.

What is 10 volume creme developer?

10 volume developer is used to deposit hair color. if you have a lighter color and want to go darker you should used the volume 10.

What happens when you use boxed bleach and then use a 30 volume creme developer?

It will remove the pigment from your hair and lift your hair color 3 times (lighten it).

Can you use 20 volume creme developer alone on hair?

When used alone, developer will do nothing to the hair. It is made to be mixed with a hair color.

What volume do you use to darken hair?

A 5 or 10 volume developer are best for darkening, or depositing, hair color.

What is volume creme developer used for?

Developer is used with professional color to adjust level of color desired. For example, black hair could be described as level 1, adding blonde highlights would require a 40 volume developer to lift the color of your hair 4 shade levels.

Can you use permanent gel hair color without developer?

NO! You need both the color or "gel" and the developer. What happens is when you mix the two together they oxidize which creates the color changein your hair. The color will not stay, or possibly evenchange colorwithout the developer.

Can i use clairol 20 volume cream peroxide developer with any hair color?

Which developer you use will depend on the color you want to achieve. A 20 developer will give you a darker color than a 30 or 40 developer.

Do you have to use developer with matrix so color hair dye?

Yes, the appropriate volume developer must be mixed with any Matrix color.

Can i use 30 volume to color my hair to Sapphire black my hair is dark brown?

No, it would be preferable to use 20 volume developer when going from dark brown to black hair color.