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Q: What happens if you mix glue and borax together?
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How can you make silly putty using household items without starch?

# Get borax (in the laundry section). # Mix borax, water, and salt together. # Get a bottle of Elmer's glue. # Pour all of the glue into a cup. # Next, pour a little of the borax mix into the cup full of glue. # Don't pour too much borax or else it'll get too hard! # Mix the borax mix and the glue together. # Carefully take out the mixture # Put a 1/4 cup of flour and 2 eggs (mix together well). # Add about half a cup of Elmer's glue and mix together with your fingers. # After mixing, add a few drops of food coloring and keep mixing it in. # Add 3 tablespoons water, then mix!

Why does glue and borax make slime?

because the borax and the glue mix to form a solid and a liquid. it is possible

What is gaki stuff?

its a mix of borax solution and glue

What did you learn when you mix borax water and glue?

According to my after school project borax with water and glue with water,pour both in a cup,you get goo as in slime

Does baby powder work instead of borax to make goo?

No but you can use glue and powdered sugar or a mix of water Epsom salt then add that to glue or mix baby powder toothe paste Epsom salt and water together 😉😉

How make Gak without liquid starch?

you can use 1 1/2 cups of water and mix in 1 teaspoon of borax mix until borax dissolves then in a dif. bowl pour 1 bottle of glue in and add food coloring mix then add 1/2 cup of water mix well, then pour borax water in glue mix keep slime in a ziplock bag

Why does your bouncy putty not bounce?

Making bouncy silly putty is pretty easy. You can mix liquid laundry detergent, food coloring, and glue to make it. You can also mix together glue, water, food coloring, and Borax together. Store the putty in a container so that it does not dry out.

How do people make goop?

all you need to do is mix water glue and borax borax is a type of cleaner so mix it till you see white in a bowl or whatever you are mixing it in still mix till about 1minute then you have goop .ENJOY

How do you make mucus?

mix borax and pva glue and green food colouring the more borax you put in the thicker itt gets borax:pva 1:6

How do you make goop?

You mix some corn flour in a bowl with some water. Borax+water works too! water with salt with flour with glue my suggestion: Goop: 8 oz. white craft glue 1 cup warm water 1 cup cold water 1 1/2 teaspoons of Borax powder 4 drops of food coloring step 1. mix warm water and borax powder together untill it dissoves step 2. in a seperat container mix glue and normal water along with the food coloring step 3. mix the borax water and the foor coloring water. step 4. stir for about a minute and you will see results!

What happens when borax and water mix?

they form crystals but that's only if you have a pipe cleaner and hot water and borax

What happens when you mix water and Borax?

they form crystals but that's only if you have a pipe cleaner and hot water and borax