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It will raise then sink again and continuously do it

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Q: What happens if you put a raisin in a glass of champagne?
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What do Italians put in their champagne?

They usually put sugar cubes in their champagne they also put some kind of fruit. :)

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When you put a drop of food coloring into a glass of water, the water will turn that color.

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mins pie's champagne and a corret for the raindeer

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I'm pretty sure you can't fit a cow into a glass of Coke. Well, I guess it depends on the size of the glass or the size of the cow. You'd have a glass full of milky Coke.

What is a raisin box waterhouse?

A raisin box waterhouse is a used raisin box that you take apart. You put water on it and clean with soap and then rinse off with water. After that you put something that blows air underneath it like a fan and it will float its really fun i do it with my friends all the time!

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When that happens it uses up all the oxygen and replaces it with co2 (carbon dioxide) and water and that what makes the sucking affect :)

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