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It will crack and break and maybe the heated gasses inside will make it explode.

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Q: What happens to a closed glass jar put in a fire pit?
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What happens when you put a glass jar on a candle?

a flame needs oxygen to burn so if you put a lit candle in a closed container (like a jar) the oxygen will continue to fuel the fire until there is no more oxygen and the candle will go out

What happens when you put radium inside a glass jar?

Nothing special

Why not to store gasoline in a glass jar?

If the glass jar cracks or breaks the gasoline will spill and spread, creating a fire hazard. Gasoline should be stored in containers that are much less fragile than glass.

How will the size of a closed jar affect the burning time of a candle?

Because, if there is a candle in a closed jar it will almost immediately go out. This is because fires cannot be lit without oxygen, and with a closed jar, no oxygen can come in. The fire eats up all of the oxygen, causing it to go out if not quickly exposed to oxygen.

What happens when a red hot charcoal in kept in a gas jar covering it with glass lid?

when red hot charcoal is kept in glass jar then carbon reacts with oxygen present in that glass jar and forms carbon-di-oxide as major product , but a little amount of carbon monoxide is also formed .

What jar is vegemite in?

A glass jar.

Is a glass jar an insulator or conductor?

Since glass isn't a conductor, a glass jar is an insulator.

What is the insulator in a Leyden Jar?

The glass jar.

Why would a candle burn longer in the open other than in a glass jar?

If the glass jar is sealed, there is a limited amount of oxygen within it. Fire uses oxygen to stay alive. Once it uses up the limited amount of oxygen in the glass jar, it can no longer sustain flame. However, in the open, there is a theoretically unlimited amount of oxygen.

What happens to a glass jar lid if you run it under hot water?

It melts and brakes all over the place.

What happens to the density volume mass and shape of an ice cube put in a glass jar and left out in the sun?

it melts