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Q: What happens if you put ballon in the hot water?
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What happens if you rupped a ballon on yourn head and put it next to the water?

it would get pulled by the ballon

How do you inflate a water balloon with water?

put ballon on nozzle, turn water on

What happens when you fill hot water in a balloon and put it in a jar filled with water?

it sinks

What happens if you put a jar of hot water in a pan of cold water?

it becomes warm

What happens to a clear plastic tube when you put it in water?

It either gets,hot or cold depending on what water you put in.

What happens if you put a turtle inside hot water?

They become slow

What happens if you put cold hands into hot water?

It gets numb.

What happens to sugar if put into hot water?

It dissolves, and you make simple syrup.

What happens to jelly put in hot water?

The jelly turns liquidy.- it melts. :)

What happens when you put a hot bottle in cold water?

it moist inside the plastic

Why is ice more effective on burns than cold water?

because when you put ice in water nothing happens but wen you put it on something hot it will melt and cool things down

What are some activities that you can do with water balloons?

Water ballon fights, games ex who ever can step on a ballon longer wins,jump on trampoline with them, if you have a pool you can blow up balloons and put them in there