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I just tried it for the for the time and I feel pretty good however I did about 90mg. Ill tell you more later once I expierment more. Pretty much all ADD and ADHD meds can get you high excpt for Vyvanse which could, but is VERY dangerous because you have to take a f*** ton by mouth, snorting it wont work. Anti-anxcity meds aalso have high potential for abuse, the high is pretty kick a**. Just look up symptoms of what these meds treat and tell your doctor you've been haveing them.

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12y ago

You should catch a decent buzz, assuming that you don't do it everyday. Metadate is the drug methylphenidate. I find it feels like a cross between coke and amphetamine-the hyperfocus and productivity of amphetamine with the softer elated stimulation of coke. Overall pretty good drug :)

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Q: What happens if you snort metadate CD 40 mg?
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Can metadate CD get you high?

Yeah it will. You can snort it or take it orally. It will make you very hyperactive and talk a lot. You might turn numb a little.

How long will metadate CD 40 mg show up in a urine test if someone took 6 pills in one day?

But hasn't done anything else in almost a year...

Can you take acetaminophen and Metadate CD?

Yes, these are OK together. Tylenol is a pretty safe pain reliever. You just have to follow directions on the box and don't take too many. Overdosing on acetaminophen can cause liver damage.

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How do you write 400 and 40 as a roman numeral?

400 in Roman numerals is written as CD and 40 is written as XL.

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They cost around 15-40 dollars.

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What happens to the CD after you ripped it to your library?

Nothing. "Ripping" is actually no more strenuous to a CD than playing it.

Where can you buy the CD Pinkly Smooth?

You can buy Pinkly Smooth's CD (titled Unfortunate Snort) on iTunes, and at almost any music store. You can also purchase it online.

Can you take metadate CD 50mg capsules to lose weight?

The Mayo Clinic Diet is a weight loss & lifestyle program that was designed by the experts at the Mayo Clinic. The purpose is to help you lose weight by teaching healthy eating and habits to develop and healthy lifestyle.

WOuld you give me A list of drugs that fall under stimulants?

atomoxetine (Strattera ®) benzphetamine (Didrex ®) Caffeine (NoDoz ® , Vivarin ® ) dexmethylphenidate (Focalin ® ) Dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine ® ) diethylpropion (Tenuate ® ) Methylphenidate (Concerta ®; Metadate ® ER; Metadate ® CD) Modafinil (Provigil ®) Pemoline (Cylert ® ) phendimetrizine (Bontril SR ® , Prelu-2 ® ) phentermine (Fastin ® , Ionamin ®) sibutramine (Meridia ® )

What setting determines what happens when you insert a CD?

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