


Ritalin is a brand name for methylphenidate, a psychostimulant drug. Manufactured by Novartis, it is used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder among children and narcolepsy among adults. Ritalin is commonly available in tablet or capsule form.

360 Questions

What foods or vitamins interfere with Ritalin?

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Asked by Wiki User

Foods high in vitamin C and iron, such as citrus fruits and leafy greens, may interfere with the absorption of Ritalin. Additionally, foods high in caffeine or sugar can impact the effectiveness of Ritalin. It is best to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized recommendations.

How long must a registered nurse work before they can retire?

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There is no fixed duration for a registered nurse to work before they can retire. Retirement eligibility typically depends on factors like age, years of service, and retirement plan provisions. Nurses may be able to retire earlier if they meet certain criteria set by their employer or pension plan.

What are side effects of Ritalin on adults?

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Common side effects of Ritalin in adults can include insomnia, loss of appetite, headaches, and increased heart rate. Less common side effects may include anxiety, dizziness, and gastrointestinal issues. It's important to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized information and guidance.

What side effect will salt give you?

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Asked by Wiki User

Sodium chloride applications

- seasoning for foods

- preservative for foods

- preparation of sodium, chlorine, sodium hydroxide

- roads deicing

- soaps fabrication


What is Ritalin for?

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Ritalin (methylphenidate) is a central nervous system stimulant. Methylphenidate affects chemicals in the brain and nerves that contribute to hyperactivity and impulse control.

Ritalin is used to treat attention deficit disorder (ADD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and narcolepsy.

How can you get Ritalin or Adderall in Montreal?

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Asked by Wiki User

If you need ritalin, I have 20mg generic XR pills for sale, slow release.

Legit prescription. no hassles, fair prices.


To the person who's answered the question: how can I contact you? I am new in internet

Is Vyvanse more more similar to Ritalin or adderall?

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Vyvanse is a stimulant of the amphetamine class that is used to treat ADHD. It is closely related to Adderall. Vyvanse is a schedule II controlled substance.
Strattera is a pseudostimulant used for the treatment of ADHD, since it has a much lower potential for abuse than amphetamines. It is not a member of the amphetamine class. It is not a scheduled controlled substance.

Strattera is classified as a non-stimulant drug, it is in the group of SNRIs - serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors, while Vyvanse is a stimulant belonging to amphetamines.

Strattera cannot make one feel 'high', so it really has a very low potential for abuse. But when used for treatment of ADHD, Strattera works slower than Vyvanse and other stimulants. To achieve the desired effects one may need several weeks.

On the other hand, it is said that effects of Strattera are more steady, and patients on Strattera can feel fine all day long, while Vyvanse only boosts their abilities for a short period after being taken.

How long does 15mg of Ritalin last?

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Asked by Wiki User

A dose of 15mb M. Amphet Salts will last varying amounts of time depending on who is receiving the dose. The dose will last longer in a smaller person than in a larger person.

How long is a CII prescription good for in the state of Alabama?

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It's depend on state board. Federal law do not have a limitation for CII prescriptions. It's depend on state board. Federal law do not have a limitation for CII prescriptions.

Is it safe to take focalin and lexapro?

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yes!! it can be fatal!

Does Ritalin show up in your urine drug test?

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It depends on what urine is being tested for. Ritalin is detected in a intense Urine testing stage. For example The military does a full urine test of all drugs including Ritalin and Adderall to see if you are using it illegally or you are currently taking it just in case you did not reveal to your military personnel that you are taking it.

So overall yes it can be detected in urine but depends on how far the person conducting the test will detect the Ritalin at. This will cost more to perform since an overdose of Ritalin will not be detected still since it will be below the 450 count limit because Ritalin is not a strong control subsistance to detect compare to crack or cocaine. But don't get my wrong. I've passed just fine on most jobs. Also it depends how fast your body gets rid of it during the day so that's another reason why it can't be detected in the common urine tests today.

Some jobs do use new technology to detect Ritalin without going further into testing but this is not used much due to being a controversial issue of violating your medical rights to use it since it is against the Equal Rights act of your ADD Disability to use Ritalin if your prescribed to use it and they determine that you are using it or abusing it. So this is why it hasn't been showing up on your urine test radar levels.

So overall the answer is yes it can be detected but not in most common urine testing except for military drug testing and mostly intense testing for people who are on probation, which I was told that it doesnt get detected on that either.

This is probably the best answer because its actually a 75/25 chance to detect it depending on what your getting tested for. Mostly for most common things, I say no but with military testing and others I have to say yes since I've seen people get discharged due to abusing Ritalin while not be on it.

Overall Conclusion:

Military it will be detected at 100% and most job places are actually not be able to detect it unless they perform further testing or have new urine testing technology to detect it.

So In technical terms yes it can be detected. Common terms No. So 75% no 25% yes

How much methylphenidate needs to be consumed to hallucinate?

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Asked by Muzzledpanda

A potentially lethal amount. methylphenidate is a stimulant, not a hallucinogen. If you want a stimulant experience with hallucinations I suggest doing some research on dextromethorphan if you haven't already. Though judging by the fact that you know what methylphenidat is, you probably know all about DXM.

What happens if a dog eats a Ritalin pill?

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Talk to your vet right away. Human meds are not meant for animals, and some may cause serious problems.

Is 30 mg of Ritalin a high dose?

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It depends on if it is instant release or long action. Long action lasts for about 8 hours so you will get about 4mg an hour which is not much. without tolerance you would feel it but not be overwhelmed. Talking instant release 30mg is a fairly high dose (would only be achieved taking in recreational quantities).


i am on 30mg instant release 3 times a day ..90mg may be putting it higher ..LA had not effect at all..

What does Focalin XR look like?

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It's a half yellow half white capsil.

How do you inject 10 mg Ritalin tablets?

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Can't be done duh!

Who created Ritalin?

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Answer: It was patented in 1954 by Novartis International.

What is the interaction between Ritalin and rivotril?

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No, I cant answer it thats why I,m asking YOU now can you please put me out of my misery and give me some info : ))

How do you prepare Ritalin for iv use?

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Asked by Wiki User

Shooting pills is an absolutely horrible idea (I'm assuming the dextro you are referring to comes in pill form) because of all the fillers and stuff in them. I wouldn't IV a pill if you paid me to, and this coming from someone who used to shoot heroin like there was no tomorrow. One big issue is that shooting pills is almost guaranteed to ruin your veins very quickly, much faster than something like heroin would. No matter how good of an IV user you are, you're going to miss occasionally, and with some pills that can be anywhere from mildly to extremely dangerous. For example, if you miss when you're shooting Temazepam, it can literally cost you an arm or a leg. I highly doubt dextroamphetamine would do that, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea. I'm not even being anti-drug here. Snort it if you want to -- snorting amphetamine, like cocaine, gives you a better high than swallowing it does, although that isn't true of all types of drugs. Snort it too much and it can mess up your nose, though. Or if you absolutely must IV something, I think I'd actually shoot coke before I would shoot dextro, especially if I knew what the coke was cut with (probably even if I didn't know). Plus, from what I hear, coke would give you a better high anyway. Sorry not to answer your question, but even for a lot of hard-core junkies, shooting pills is going too far, and you at least need to understand the consequences if you do decide to go that route. Pills simply aren't made to be injected, so if you must IV something (bad idea, trust me I speak from experience), find something that is meant to be injected.

Has anyone tried a combination of Strattera with a low dose stimulant such as Metadate CD for a child?

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I was an ADHD child mom tried everything to calm me down the worse it got the more depressed I got. one day I guess it was a cry for help or i am lucky that i didn't know what I was doing i tried to slice my wrist. that got me put in the hospital. after weeks of evaluations they put me on welbutrin and it helped i went from cs and d's to a's and b's. I did get off of it till just recently i experienced some mood swings and such. I was also a single mom for 3 years and divorced and when I met my current husband my brain tried to push him away thus the moods and such the welbutrin came to my rescue again. It has truly been a blessing in my life I dont know where I would be with out it

My daughter has been on everything imaginable, she did however take strattera for a short time. She is 13 years old and currently on depekote. They can't make up their minds what to diagnosis her as, but when she was on the strattera she did lose a lot of weight, but she vomited everyday. She didn't have an appetite and she was alot more hyper. So we took her off that. Then she was put on adderall and it made her dizzy. She had taken that several years before when she was about 9 years old. She was also on paxil for about 2 weeks when she was 11 years old which has caused her down fall. She was admitted into a physciatric hospital due to suicidal thoughts and basically going nuts. We have taken her off medications because they weren't doing any good at all. At this time if she misses a dose of her depakote we all just have to pack up and move out. Be very careful what you put your children on. We did find out, about a year later, that the new studies on paxil caused suicidal tendency. I don't know if as she grows older her problems get worse or if putting her on the paxil in the first place caused the chemical imbalance. I still don't think we've found the miracle drug combination yet, never tried her on welbutrin. Maybe that would be the next step.

akaleia's story

I am responding to the statement the user before me had with her experience of having her daughter on Paxil. I was 19 at the time and this was the first of any kind of mental medication I was put on, mostly for shyness and depression. Anyway, I gained 40 lbs on it, (I'm 28 now, it's still a struggle) and if I went even an hour without my dose of paxil, my face and hands would go numb and I would go into a panic fit, like a tatrum as a toddler. Mind you, I was on 40 mgs, I beleive.. it took a very long time to get off of. I even had to go down to 1/4 of the pill to wean myself off of it, eventually turning to Lexapro with good results. I would suggest a non-stimulant for her add, as well as nutrition, and just getting her involved in outside volunteering. Strattera is a good add/adhd drug. Discuss all of this with your dr of course. . Your post may be old, but maybe it will help others! Good luck, and once you find something that works, don't let someone talk you into something different!

Can you take clonidine with Vyvanse?

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If is completely fine to take the drugs Clonidine and Vyvanse. Clonidine will help you with your sleeping problems.