


Drug Addiction

Questions about the abuse of drugs and the effects of addiction. Also, questions about how to get help.

500 Questions

How many people die a year by second hand smoke?

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Approximately 41,000 nonsmokers die in the United States each year from exposure to secondhand smoke. This exposure increases the risk of heart disease, lung cancer, and other health problems. It is important to create smoke-free environments to protect nonsmokers from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke.

Can you die from second hand smoke?

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While exposure to secondhand smoke is harmful and can increase the risk of heart disease, cancers, and lung conditions, it is unlikely to directly cause death. However, long-term exposure can contribute to serious health issues over time, particularly in individuals with preexisting conditions. It is essential to avoid secondhand smoke whenever possible to protect your health.

How many people get second hand smoke?

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According to the CDC, about 58 million nonsmokers in the United States are exposed to secondhand smoke. This exposure increases the risk of health issues such as lung cancer, heart disease, and respiratory infections. It is important to avoid secondhand smoke to protect your health and the health of those around you.

How fast will you die if you take a drug overdose?

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The time it takes to die from a drug overdose can vary depending on factors like the type and amount of drug consumed, a person's overall health, and whether medical help is received. In some cases, death can occur within minutes to hours, while in others it could take days or longer. Immediate medical attention is critical in cases of drug overdose to improve the chances of survival.

Is a group home a prison?

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No, a group home is not a prison. Group homes are residential facilities where individuals with specific needs can receive support and care in a community setting. In contrast, prisons are correctional institutions where individuals are incarcerated as a form of punishment for committing crimes.

What is problem statement of drug addiction?

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Asked by Wiki User

The problem statement of drug addiction is the harmful and compulsive use of drugs that leads to negative consequences on an individual's physical and mental health, relationships, work, and overall well-being. It involves a pattern of substance abuse and dependence that can be difficult to overcome without appropriate treatment and support.

What is the process of sharing needles called?

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Asked by Scorpio93

The act of sharing needles for drug use is called needle-sharing or needle exchange. This practice can lead to the transmission of diseases such as HIV and hepatitis. It is highly discouraged and there are programs in place to provide clean needles as a harm reduction strategy.

Why dont drug addicts take baths?

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Drug addicts may struggle with maintaining personal hygiene due to the physical and mental effects of substance abuse. Drug use can lead to a lack of motivation, neglect of self-care, and impaired decision-making skills. Additionally, drug addiction can consume a person's time and energy, leaving little room for activities like bathing.

Why is drug addiction considered a deviant behavior?

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a full blown addiction will make people do things they normally wouldn't do to get drugs they will even begin ruining there bodys while there tolerance grows and the amount they use also grows and the frequancy of the use grows

to society, crime is detremental

its not like a society to condone drug addiction, its deviant behavior in society since the results are this need to go the extra mile to get more drugs in more more cases the extra mile means crime or self ruin.

people love each other and want niether... unless the person is addicted and loves drugs more then people ofcourse....

How many teens each year turn to drugs?

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It is difficult to provide an exact number of teens who turn to drugs each year as this can vary by location and population. However, studies estimate that millions of teenagers experiment with drugs each year, with the number increasing for certain substances like alcohol, marijuana, and prescription drugs. Early prevention and education programs are essential to address this issue.

As you increase your use of alcohol and other drugs your ability to safely operate a motor vehicle decreases?

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Asked by Wiki User

As you consume more alcohol or drugs, your coordination, reaction time, and decision-making skills are impaired, making it dangerous to operate a motor vehicle. This can lead to accidents, injuries, or even fatalities. It is essential to never drive under the influence and to find alternative transportation if you are impaired.

What are some examples of consequences?

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Some examples of consequences include loss of privileges, monetary fines, community service, or legal action. Consequences are typically imposed to discourage certain behaviors or actions and to hold individuals accountable for their actions.

What are other names for rohypnol?

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Some other names for Rohypnol include "roofies," "R2," and "the date rape drug."

Which city has the highest use of prescription abuse?

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Prescription drug abuse rates can vary widely within a city, so it's challenging to pinpoint one city with the highest use. However, cities with high population density and accessibility to prescription drugs may have higher rates of prescription abuse. Examples might include New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago.

How addictive is Rohypnol?

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Rohypnol, also known as the "date rape drug," is highly addictive due to its sedative properties and potential for dependence. It can lead to physical and psychological addiction in some users, especially when misused to achieve a euphoric or dissociative effect. Using Rohypnol without a prescription or in combination with other substances increases the risk of addiction.

Leonardo dicrapio played a drug addicted poet in what film?

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The basketball Diaries.

Another answer: Leonardo DiCaprio also played a drug addicted poet in the movie Total Eclipse.

List down five common problems of a teenagers?

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  1. Peer pressure: Teens often feel pressure to fit in with their peers, leading to risky behavior.
  2. Academic stress: Balancing school work, extracurricular activities, and social life can be overwhelming for teenagers.
  3. Body image issues: Media influence can lead to unrealistic expectations and low self-esteem.
  4. Mental health issues: Anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems can arise during adolescence.
  5. Identity issues: Teens are trying to figure out who they are and where they fit in the world, which can lead to confusion and insecurity.

What are the unpleasant symptoms called that a drug addict suffers when they stop taking the drug?

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Withdrawal symptoms are the unpleasant physical and psychological effects that occur when a drug addict stops taking the drug they are addicted to. These symptoms can include cravings, nausea, anxiety, insomnia, and muscle pain.

Can an overdose of diabetic medicine cause brain damage?

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Yes, an overdose of diabetic medication, especially certain types such as insulin or sulfonylureas, can potentially cause brain damage. When these medications are taken in excess, they can lead to dangerously low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia), which can affect the brain's function and, if severe and prolonged, can cause brain damage.

Hypoglycemia deprives the brain of the glucose it needs to function properly. Symptoms of hypoglycemia can range from mild confusion and dizziness to seizures, coma, and in extreme cases, brain damage or death if not treated promptly.

It's crucial for individuals taking diabetic medications to follow their prescribed dosage and monitor their blood sugar levels regularly to avoid overdoses and the associated risks. If an overdose is suspected or if someone experiences symptoms of hypoglycemia, immediate medical attention should be sought to prevent complications.

How can you find out if a company is a non profit?

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Asked by Wiki User

To determine if a company is a nonprofit organization, you can follow these steps:

Check the company's website: Nonprofit organizations often prominently display their nonprofit status on their websites. Look for phrases such as "501(c)(3)" (in the United States), "nonprofit organization," "charitable organization," or "tax-exempt status."

Search the company in databases: In many countries, there are official government databases where you can search for nonprofit organizations. For example, in the United States, you can use the IRS Tax Exempt Organization Search tool to verify the tax-exempt status of an organization.

Look for registration with relevant authorities: Nonprofit organizations are usually required to register with government authorities to obtain tax-exempt status. Check with the appropriate government agency or department responsible for regulating nonprofits in your jurisdiction.

Review financial documents: Nonprofit organizations are required to file financial documents, such as annual reports and tax returns, which are often publicly available. These documents can provide information about the organization's financial status and tax-exempt status.

Contact the organization directly: If you're still unsure about the organization's status, you can contact them directly and ask for clarification. They should be able to provide information about their nonprofit status and any relevant documentation.

By using these methods, you can verify whether a company is a nonprofit organization or not.

Why do the call weed pot?

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Asked by Wiki User

Why do we call marijuana weed

Can you fail a drug test for zanies?

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if you mean Zanax, yes… if the test includes that category of drug. (Benzodiazepam or “Benzos”)

What states in the United States of America still consider marijuana illegal?

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In four states — Idaho, Kansas, South Carolina and Wyoming — marijuana is fully illegal, according to DISA Global Solutions, a drug testing company.

What is the hardest drug?

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Level 11 is reached when you take them all at the same time.

Can a person overdose on mushrooms?

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Asked by Wiki User

if you try to go drive a car, shot a gun, run really fast down the middle of a road, or eat saltein crackers with no liquid...