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Nothing (for a time) as apples are waterproof.

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Q: What happens if you soak an apple in water?
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What happens to potential soak in water we build malls and parking lots ?

How long do you need to soak apples for before eating them?

You don't need to soak an apple before eating. You just need to wash the apple with water beforehand. To keep apple slices from turning brown, you can soak them for 3-4 minutes in water or lemon juice.

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When you soak an egg in salt water it should shrivel or become smaller. This is because the salt water pulls out the existing water from the egg.

What happens when you soak an apple in vegatable oil?

it does nothing the apple stays the same but if u keep it there for a hour it will turn brown... u should try this at home and answer it your self

Do apples absorb water?

If you keep the cut apple under water if will stop the oxygen in the air to react with the apple and no browning will occur.

What happens if you soak a wilted carrot in tap water overnight?

it turns in to a patato

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Your ankle will burn momentarily, you should use ice not water. especially not hot water

What happens when apples are cooked in water with sugar?

Apple juice

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The water quickly runs off and may form a flash flood.

Will cotton soak up water in space?

yes surely because it happens due to the process of internal energy not by gravity

How do get hard caramel out of a pan?

Soak in hot water

What happens if a cup of water is spilled on a sidewalk what happens to the water?

It is going to flow, to the ocean If it's only one cup of water, it will probably spread out a bit, maybe run into the gutter or into the grass, soak into the sidewalk or the ground, and then evaporate.