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The ant either dies, or becomes seriously ill.

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Q: What happens if you step on a ant?
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How do you defeat the queen ant?

Step on the ant what else its a tiny ant or you can run and scream like a little girl both can work but if i were u i would step on it <3

Is it legal to step on an ant?


What is the different between ant and queen ant?

An ant happens to be produced by the queen ant, and the queen ant flies to mate with a male and lays eggs.

How do you kill carpenter ant?

Step on it. Spray it with Raid.

How do you destroy white ants?

step on them

What will happens to ant when flood?

it will die

What happens if you disturb an ant?

they fall over if it is a red ants they will bite you.

Would a slug eat an ant?

I Don't Know try finding a slug and an ant...see what happens

What happens when a ant bit your eye if it can what happens?

Well, I'm not sure if an ant actually big my eye but when I was younger an ant flew Into my eye and my eye ended up swelling and going all red. I had to go to an eye doctor and get my eye flipped around and the ant taken out.

What happens if there is no ant?

Dec would be very lonely

What happens if you get bit by an acrobat or carpenter ant?

You get hit.

What happens when your dog eats a live ant?
