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In adults, single doses above 10 grams or 140 mg/kg have a reasonable likelihood of causing toxicity. In adults, single doses of more than 25 grams have a high risk of lethality.

A paracetamol tablet usually has 500mg of active ingredient.

This means that doses over 20 tablets at once are probably toxic, and doses of 50 tablets are very likely to kill an adult human.

If you need more pain relief than paracetamol provides at normal doses, then perhaps something containing both paracetamol and codeine is a better choice.

If that doesn't help, perhaps oxycodone would be helpful, but AFAIK it is only available on prescription.

If you have serious pain, seeing your doctor is probably your best bet.

I've been told that people who try to commit suicide by taking a large dose of paracetamol frequently die some days later in hospital in intense pain from irreversible liver failure. Not fun.

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12y ago

You will not die instantly. You will overdose for sure, and this severe overdose will destroy your liver. Tylenol is hepatotoxic, and after 4000mg/day, you risk serious complications. The consequences of liver failure are sevre, painful, and require hospitalization. The death will occur after a few days if the intoxication is grave, and if only moderate, the medical management is difficult (liver transplant is often the only availible option). DO NOT USE TYLENOL FOR SUICIDAL PURPOSE. It is one of the worst drug to try, you will fail for sure, and will have to live with the severe medicial complications that will occur. Please, seek help. It exists, it is availible, and it helps.

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