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Well, if you shot a jelly fish with a gun the bullet would enter the jelly fish and explode and the particles would stink everyone in a 100ft radius. Trust me, don't f*cking try it!

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Q: What happens if you take a gun and shoot a bullet through one of those spots on a jellyfish what will happen?
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it will move up and down, but it will return to about the same place

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Jellyfish don't bite... they sting.

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Last Bullet happened in 2009.

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Bullet Witch happened in 360.

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Shoot the Bullet happened in 2005.

What will happen if a jellyfish stings you?

The sting will burn

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It travels through the air, acted on by friction and gravity, until it encounters another material.

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youd kill it

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You are electrocuted but only happens if you are grounded

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What would happen if you take a jellyfish?

You'd probably get stung.

What would happen to a jellyfish if it were placed in a freshwater lake?

Water would diffuse into the cells of the jellyfish, causing it to bloat up and possibly burst.