

What happens if you tickle your monster too much?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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it will enlarge

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Q: What happens if you tickle your monster too much?
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Why is your monster not happy when you tickle it in Moshi Monsters?

Your monster will be happy if you tickle it but ifyo u tickle it too much it gets angry.

How do you tickle your monster in moshi monsters?

You just click and hold then rub across your monsters feet but don't do it too much it will make your monster angry. Each time you tickle your monster it will get more and more happier.

How do you get your Moshi Monster's happiness level up?

Play games of course! The Daily Challenge is the best way. Tickle your monster by holding the left click button and wiggling your mouse pointer on your monster. Then your monster's happiness will go up. But watch out, because if you tickle your monster too much, it will get angry at you. Another way to get your monster's happiness up is to buy things.

How do you tickle your pet on moshi monsters?

First, make sure your monster is inside its house. Then click on it and then drag the cursor up and down. Only a certain place will make your monster giggle. Sometimes when you tickle them and they're angry, their happiness lowers even more! Make sure not to tickle them too much or they'll get frustrated and their happiness will also lower.

What happens if your moshi monster gets ill from too much food?

Give your monster a little time and he/she will recover. :-)

What do you do if green snot comes out your moshi monster?

You need to make your monster healthy and happy by: Feed it - be sure to feed it food it likes. Tickle it - but not too much. Move your cursor around your monster's stomach to tickle it. Take it shopping and decorate its room. Play games and puzzles. Do the Daily Challenge every day. Visit your monster every day! Take your monster for a walk and visit your friends.

What if your moshi monster is sick?

If you Moshi Monster is sick, you can do several things to make it feel better: Tickle it, but not too much. Feed it, especially its favorite food. Take your monster shopping. Play games, especially the Puzzle Palace and the Daily Challenge.

How do you play with your moshi monster?

Tickle your monster - but not too much. Move your cursor around your monster's stomach to tickle it. Other ways to make your Moshi Monster happy: Feed it - be sure to feed it food it likes. Take it shopping and decorate its room. Play games and puzzles. Do the Daily Challenge every day. Visit your monster every day! Take your monster for a walk and visit your friends. If you don't do these things for a long time, your monsters will probably get angry.

What happens if you eat too much monster milk?

Wayne Rooney dies and turns into shrek

What do you do when your moshi monster keeps on coughing?

If your Moshi Monster is coughing that means you need to add Health and Happiness. To add more health and happiness do the following: Feed it - be sure to feed it food it likes. Tickle it - but not too much. Move your cursor around your monster's stomach to tickle it. Take it shopping and decorate its room. Play games and puzzles. Do the Daily Challenge every day. Visit your monster every day! Take your monster for a walk and visit your friends.

How do you make your Moshi Monster like you?

There are lots of things to do with your Moshi Monster to make it happy: Feed your monster. Be sure to feed it food it likes. Tickle your monster, but not too much. Move your cursor around your monster's stomach to tickle it. Take your monster shopping and decorate its room. Play games and puzzles. Do the Daily Challenge every day. Take your monster for a walk and visit your friends. When you log in you will get 20 extra happiness points. You can get the extra 20 happiness points once every twelve hours.

How can you make your Moshi Monster better?

Every monster needs food and entertainment to keep it healthy and happy, just like anyone else. To make your Moshi Monster happy and healthy: Feed it - be sure to feed it food it likes. Tickle it - but not too much. Move your cursor around your monster's stomach to tickle it. Take it shopping and decorate its room. Play games and puzzles. Do the Daily Challenge every day. Visit your monster every day! Take your monster for a walk and visit your friends.