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A) You go to prison, where you belong. and B) You are a terrible person and should kill yourself.

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Q: What happens if you violate probation for aggravated battery with another battery charge with only four months left on probation?
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What Happens if a 9 volt battery touches another 9 volt battery?

It heats up very hot and may explode.

What happens with someone skips bond and on probation already?

Probation violation you will go to jail. An still owe on fines an still will be own probation

What happens if you dont go to probation revocation hearing?

If it was YOUR probation that was being discussed, you can pretty much bet that youir probation was probably revoked.

What happens if you miss your random probation drug testing?

You can be declared in violation of your probation and thrown back in jail.

What happens when you get a DUI and are on probation for a DUI?

That's a violation of your probation. Most likely 6 months in jail.

What happens when you get a charge while on probation?

You have violated your probation, which means you can go directly back to jail without any waiting period.

What happens when a battery comes in contact with another battery?

If you mean like AA or AAA, nothing. Absolutely nothing happens. If they both have an electrical current running, I don't know, it might be dangerous.

Can a probation officer never find out if you violated in another state?

If the other state never enters the offense in the computer, it is possible. But that almost never happens.

What happens when your on probation and you smoke weed?

If you are on probation and you smoke weed, you are likely to violate the terms of your probation, which could result in penalties such as a warning, probation extension, fines, community service, or even jail time, depending on the severity of the violation and the policies of your probation officer or court. It is important to adhere to the rules of your probation to avoid further legal consequences.

What happens to first time violators of felony probation in Arkansas?

Are you kidding? Breaking probation means that you end up serving your original sentence. Probation is not a is a requirement.

What happens if you skip state while on probation?

A Probation Violation Warrant will be issued. Your probation could get revoked and you could be sentenced to a term of incareration in jail or prison.

What happens if you are on a 5 yr probation with 2 years left you get arrested and the charge is violation of probation due to pills in your pocket prescribe for someone else?

I would say you have a problem and have your probation revoked. It doesn't matter if the pills are yours or belong to another person because you had them and it was against your conditions of probation. You knew this before putting them in your pocket. Accept the responsibility for your actions.