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yes but your baby will only be half human. the other half of the baby will be jelly. i recommend eating it before it is fully developed.

Please ignore the silly answer above. If the jelly is a vaginal spermicide, it will kill some sperm, but not all. It is not a complete contraceptive.

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Q: What happens if your boyfriend puts jelly on your vagina can you get pregnant?
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How do you know the sex of a jellyfish?

The male jelly aliens have a penis. The female jelly aliens have a vagina. Simple.

Is it good to k-y jelly on a girl vagina?

Oh, Yes!

What happens when you put a kiwifruit on jelly?

THe kiwi will sink to the middle of the jelly and will stay there.

What happens to jelly put in hot water?

The jelly turns liquidy.- it melts. :)

What is KY jelly for?

KY Jelly is a lubricant. when a woman has sex with a man her vagina releases mucous material that make the whole show slippery and makes the movement of the penis in the vagina easy and pleasant. If for one reason or another not enough of this mucous is produced the sex act can get uncomfortable or even painful for the woman and less pleasant for the man. adding KY jelly to the vagina or penis can overcome this problem.

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My boyfriend really likes jelly beans what are some good ideas for a Christmas present for him involving jelly beans?

look around and see if you can find a heart that is clear and is filled with jelly beans

What is the jelly stuff called that doctors put on pregnant women's stomach during a ultra sound?

Its jelly stuff that slide u can see the baby better

If a leave is covered with petroleum jelly what happens?

it will be withered

What happens if you break a green jelly bracelet?

your stuffed

What happens when you mix the green jelly with the red jelly?

the jam is going to be seen in jello and the jelly wil blend in with the jello

Can you take royal jelly if you breastfeeding?

Royal jelly has no proven benefits in the human body. However, you should not take royal jelly if you are pregnant or breastfeeding to prevent any dangers presented to baby.