

What happens in S phase?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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DNA makes copies of itself

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Q: What happens in S phase?
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What happens s?

DNA replication happens during s-phase.

What happens guring the S subphase of interphase?

The S phase stands for the Synthesis phase and is where DNA is duplicated for cell division.

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What happeneds during S phase?

DNA is replicated.Chromosomes are duplicated.During S Phase, there is the occurrence of DNA replication.

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DNA Replication

What happens in the s phase that is essential to mitosis to occur?

DNA Replication

What happens during the s phase of the cells?

cell duplicates its DNA

What happens during the S phase of the cell?

cell duplicates its DNA

What happens to the chromosomes during S-phase?

The S-phase is during interphase, which means there are no chromosomes. DNA is replicated in the S-phase ("s" for synthesis). It can only be replicated in the form of chromatin, not wrapped up in chromosomes.

What happens during the S S phases?

During the S phase, new DNA is synthesized when the chromosomes are replicated, The cell at the end of the S phase contains twice as much DNA as it did in the beginning.

What happens in S phase of the cycle?

Synthesis. The replication of the genetic material basically.

What happens during S phase of the cell cycle?

This is the phase in which DNA is replicated.