

What happens in Troy when Ulysses was there?

Updated: 11/10/2020
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13y ago

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After emerging from the Trojan Horse, Ulysses and the rest of the Greek heroes, opened the gates of the city, letting the Greek army in. The preceded to burn the city, slaughter the men, and sell the women into slavery.

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Ulysses is the roman name for the greek hero Odysseus. so he first appears in Homer's Illiad. the story about the siege on troy. Homer's other book, the oddysey, is all about "Ulysses", but is an older book, as it is about his return from troy.

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The address of the Ulysses Library is: 401 North Main St, Ulysses, 16948 0316

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Odysseus of the Iliad. Ulysses was his Latin name.

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The address of the Ulysses Township Library is: 410 C Street, Ulysses, 68669 0217

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For Odysseus, the main character, also known as Ulysses. He was a lesser character in the Iliad, which is called that because Ilium was another name for Troy. Since then, a long and difficult journey has been referred to as an odyssey.

Which authors wrote about Ulysses?

Homer's magnificent epic poem The Odyssey tells the story of Ulysses eventful 10-year journey home to Ithaca from the seige of Troy and was written in the eight centuries before Christ. The modern novel Ulysses was written in 1918 by James Augustine Aloysius Joyce (1882-1941) the Irish Novelist living in Switzerland. This story describes a one-day "journey" round Dublin by Leopold Bloom and is considered a literary masterpiece..