

What happens in a coma dream when you come out of a coma?

Updated: 4/1/2020
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13y ago

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You stop dreaming I would imagine.

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Q: What happens in a coma dream when you come out of a coma?
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What happens if you tell your dream to someone?

Nothing whatsoever happens if you tell your dream to someone. Persons tell their dreams to counselors, therapists, friends and family members all the time, not to mention to dream interpretors. Talking about a dream has no bearing on whether that dream will "come true" or not.

How do you know your dream will come true?

I don't think that ever happens. A dream is just a brain function at random. If one dream were to come true somehow, they why wouldn't the others? Which one were you hoping might come true; and why discriminate against the other dreams? But then that's just me.

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You will die and go into a coma forever.

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its means he saying goood bye

What happens when you are in a coma?

You cannot move and fall into a very deep sleep.

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they go in a sleep about snow white and see birds. a coma can change a pesons life make you see things.

What is the definition of a dream come true?

A dream come true refers to the realization or fulfillment of a long-held aspiration or desire. It is when something hoped for or wished for deeply actually happens, leading to a sense of immense happiness and satisfaction.

Are you tired after you come out of a coma?

Yes. And fatigue is likely to be a long term problem if the person was in a coma due to head trauma or a stroke.

What happens on the season 2 finale of glee?

One of them get into a car accident and in a coma.

What happens when a person is in a coma?

you are in your own world you have to have water,food pump in your blood

Is it normal to dream something and then the next day it actually happens?

It seems to happen to everyone once then never happen again. It isn't exactly normal and i find it freaky. If it happens again i suggest you start a dream journal. it happened to me today but its normal for me it happens everyday...I probrobly do need to start a dram journal