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The energy used to allow nuclear fusion to happen would be transferred to the surroundings through the metal container because it is a conductor therefore the plasma would cool down and the reaction wouldn't be able to carry on.

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6d ago

If the plasma in a fusion reactor touches the sides of the container, it can cause damage to the walls due to high temperatures and erosion. It can also lead to contamination of the plasma by materials from the wall, affecting the fusion reaction. Maintaining a safe distance between the plasma and the container walls is crucial for the efficient operation of the fusion reactor.

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Q: What happens in a fusion reactor if the plasma touched the sides of the container?
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Why would a fusion reactor that needs more energy than it produces not be much use?

A fusion reactor that needs more energy than it produces would not be economically viable or practical for power generation. The purpose of building a fusion reactor is to generate more energy than it consumes, in order to provide a sustainable and efficient source of power. If it cannot achieve this goal, it defeats the purpose of investing in fusion energy technology.

How much does a fusion reactor cost?

Currently, the estimated cost to build a fusion reactor ranges from several billion to tens of billions of dollars, depending on the specific design and scale of the project. It is a significant investment that requires long-term funding and collaboration between governments and private institutions.

What do scientist hope to achieve with the research on the Tokamak Fusion Reactor?

Scientists hope to achieve a sustainable and controllable fusion reaction that can generate abundant clean energy. The research on Tokamak Fusion Reactors aims to overcome the technical challenges of achieving self-sustaining fusion reactions and commercialize fusion power as a viable alternative energy source. Success in this research could help address global energy needs and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

Why is it difficult to develop a fusion reactor for power generation?

Developing a fusion reactor for power generation is challenging due to the need to confine and control the extremely high temperatures and pressures required for nuclear fusion to occur. Additionally, managing the plasma within the reactor, handling the intense neutron radiation, and finding suitable materials that can withstand the harsh conditions present further obstacles. Research is ongoing to overcome these challenges and make fusion power a viable energy source.

What is the average output MW of a fusion reactor?

Currently, fusion reactors are still in the experimental stage and do not produce electricity for the grid. The output power of experimental fusion reactors ranges from a few megawatts to tens of megawatts, depending on the design and scale of the reactor. Commercial fusion reactors, when developed, are expected to generate hundreds of megawatts to gigawatts of power.

Related questions

Which of planets is an immense fusion reactor in space?

None of the planets is a fusion reactor. The sun is a fusion reactor but it is not a planet.

How a fusion reactor would be similar to a fission reactor?

explain how a fusion reactor would be similar to a fission reaction

What do scientist hope to achieve with the research on the Tokamak Fusion Reactor?

Scientists hope to achieve a sustainable and controllable fusion reaction that can generate abundant clean energy. The research on Tokamak Fusion Reactors aims to overcome the technical challenges of achieving self-sustaining fusion reactions and commercialize fusion power as a viable alternative energy source. Success in this research could help address global energy needs and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

How much does a fusion reactor cost?

Currently, the estimated cost to build a fusion reactor ranges from several billion to tens of billions of dollars, depending on the specific design and scale of the project. It is a significant investment that requires long-term funding and collaboration between governments and private institutions.

What would be the source of fuel required by a fusion reactor?

Deutrium and tritium are needed as fuel in fusion reactor.

Is a fusion reactor a time machine?


Is fusion controllable as fission is reactor?


How does nuclear fusion spin a turbine?

It can't as nobody has figured out how to make a fusion reactor.

What is better solar energy fission reactor or fusion reactor?

solar is a billion times better.

What are the main advantage of a fusion reactor compared to a fission reactor?

Fusion reactors produce energy by fusing atoms together, similar to the process that powers the sun, whereas fission reactors split atoms. Fusion reactions in reactors have the potential for abundant fuel supply with deuterium and lithium, low radioactive waste, and enhanced safety due to the inherent characteristics of the fusion process. Additionally, fusion reactions do not generate long-lasting radioactive waste like fission reactions, making them potentially more sustainable in the long term.

What are the technical problems related to nuclear fusion?

Nuclear fusion requires very high temperatures and immense pressures to start and continue. The problems with a nuclear fusion reactor would be:- 1) the high temperatures would melt the container: therefore, the reaction would have to be stored in a vacuum suspended by a magnetic field and the reactor would have to be continually cooled. 2) nuclear fusion occurs naturally in stars such as our sun: unless the fusion reaction was limited in size in some way, it would be likely that our planet is vapourised by the reaction.

Where does nuclear fusion occur in a nuclear plant?

No place, we have not yet determined how to make a fusion reactor. Only fusion bombs.