

What happens in a nature cycle?

Updated: 12/15/2022
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Q: What happens in a nature cycle?
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The process of is similar to what happens in nature in the water cycle?

Four processes make the water cycle. These are evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection.

What is an example of a cyclical process in nature?

The water cycle. The life cycle.

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Its nature!

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No, the nitrogen cycle is a part of nature. It is nothing to be afraid of.

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The Water, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and Carbon Cycle...

What are the nature cycles?

nitrogen cycle, carbon cycle, water cycle, and sulfur cycle

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Nature isn't just flowers it is much more.Think about trees this is important about nature because it gives us oxygen

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The whole cycle is known as the water cycle.

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Few other cycles in nature are same as water cycle. These are carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle etc.

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A payroll cycle is the determined period of time of allocated hours worked.

What happens cell has reached the end of the cell cycle?

The cycle restarts.

What is an example of chemical change in nature?

carbon cycle