

What happens in the Fall to pine cones?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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16y ago

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Squirrels eat them. What is left will decompose.

they somtimes rot away into the ground or get eaten by creatures

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Q: What happens in the Fall to pine cones?
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When the weather changes what happens to pine cones?

pine cones become varous sizes

How does pine cones dispersed?

they fall off

What time of year do pine trees get pine cones?

once a year, annually, in fall/autumn

What grows inside pine cones?

The Seeds of the Pine Tree … when the seeds mature, the pine cone opens, and the seed fall out.

Are pine cones edible?

Pine cones are in season in late autumn and early winter. Pine cones can be collected and cleaned to be used for arts and crafts projects. Dry and firm, not wet and soggy, are the best pine cones to collect.

Does the weather affect pine cones?

No, it does not because the only thing that happens is, when the pine cones come off the tree when its raining hard they do not get damaged or anything.

What does a pine seed consists of?

pine cones

What grows inside cones?

The Seeds of the Pine Tree … when the seeds mature, the pine cone opens, and the seed fall out.

WHAT IS THE Difference between male and female pine cones?

The pine cones that you are familiar with are probably female pine cones. You probably have never noticed male pine cones because they are much smaller and don't look much like the female pine cones. Male pine cones are much smaller and produce pollen grains. Female pine cones contain the egg. The pollen is carried from the male pine cones to the female pine cones by the wind.

What is found on a pine tree?

Roots, trunk, branches, twigs , needles and cones.

How do sunflowers and pine trees reproduce?

Sunflowers= Brownish seeds blow off the flower in the wind and the seeds fall to the soil. Pine Trees= Pine cones expel seeds which fall to the soil.

Do pine cones have babies?

Pine cones are where the seeds for new pine trees develop.