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The first line in Lewis Carroll's book, Alice's Adventures in wonderland is, "Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, and of having nothing to do: once or twice she had peeped into the book her sister was reading, but it had no pictures or conversations in it, `and what is the use of a book,' thought Alice `without pictures or conversation?'"

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What is the publication date of Alice in Wonderland?

Alice - Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - was created in 1865.

Where was Alice in Wonderland pulished?

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was first published in England in 1865.

Who published Alice's Adventures in Wonderland?

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was first published by Macmillan in 1865

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In the book, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Alice first shrinks to ten inches high, then grows to over nine foot.

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Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was written first. Through the Looking Glass is the sequel.

Where was the book Alice in Wonderland published?

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was first published in the United Kingdom in November 1865.

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Alice had adventures in Wonderland in the book "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll.

When was Alice in Wonderland filmed?

There have been many film adaptations since the book Alice in Wonderland was published in 1865.The first was filmed in 1903.Disney's animation of Alice in Wonderland was released in 1951.

When was the Alice in Wonderland movie first made?

The first film version of Alice in Wonderland was made in 1903. Disney's famous animated version debuted in 1951.

Will there be an Alice in Wonderland 2?

The newest Alice in Wonderland was supposedly a sequel to the first, there isn't news of a third one coming out yet.

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Rock-A-Doodle isn't really similar to Alice in Wonderland as far as endings go, but the story line is similar in how bizarre it is. Alice in Wonderland ended with no real resolution, as opposed to Rock-A-Doodle.

Who chronicled Alice in Wonderland?

John Tenniel is the illustrator most people are familliar with, as he illustrated the first published version, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland (1865). However, Lewis Carroll illustrated the first, hand-written version of Alice in Wonderland, which was called Alice's Adventures Under Ground (1864).