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Carbon monoxide poisoning prevents red blood cells from carrying out their normal function of transporting oxygen throughout the body. Consequently, all the cells of the body will suffer from lack of oxygen, which will prevent them from carrying out their normal metabolic functions and make them effectively shut down. The brain is the most sensitive to lack of oxygen, and within minutes, will suffer unconsciousness and then death, when deprived of oxygen.

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Carbon Monoxide bonds with the hemoglobin in the blood where the oxygen would normally go when you breath it in, this stops oxygen from getting around the body and powering vital organs which then fail, causing the body to eventually die.

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Q: What happens in the body during carbon monoxide poisioning?
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How are sulfur dioxide carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide produced in combustion?

Sulfur and carbon are oxidized during the combustion process. Sulfur normally forms two compounds when it burns, Sulfur dioxide and to a lesser extent sulfur trioxide. This is normal. Carbon when it burns produces carbon dioxide, if there is not enough air provided to the combustion it will produce carbon monoxide, which is an incomplete reaction. Carbon monoxide is combustible gas and can be burned further into carbon dioxide, with the proper application of air. Nitrogen oxides, nitrous and nitric oxide, are a separate process. These chemical bonds require a heat input to form, and rob heat from a fuel. Typically they are not formed at temperatures under 1500F (816C). These compounds are formed from nitrogen in either the fuel or the air, a very hot flame is required to produce them.

What happens when calcium oxalate monohydrate is heated?

According to thermogravimetric data from DSC analysis, the first step releases water to form the anhydrous salt but upon further heating this step is followed by an oxidative (disproportionation) decomposition step in which carbon monoxide and calcium carbonate are formed. The third and final step is the decomposition of calcium carbonate to form calcium oxide and carbon dioxide. Because of step 2, good ventilation should be used during decomposition of calcium oxalate.

What toxic gases are released during coke production?

carbon dioxide Answer: Coke is produced in an oxygen deprived atmosphere so the combustion gases include both carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. The coking process drives out various aromatics from the coal which may escape (although most are retained as they are valuable) these include benzene and toluene. Cracked and reformed hydrocarbons may also be emitted such as PAHs

What is released into the atmosphere by the burning of fossil fuels?

I believe there are more than one, but the burning of fossil fuels is generally associated with the release of carbon dioxide (or co2). This plays a significant role in global warming. Hope I helped and for more info please google "global warming", "fossil fuels", "carbon dioxide", or your original question. Best wishes!! :)

How much carbon monoxide must be breathed to be fatal?

if losing 40% of blood loss is fatal then id assume that denaturing 40% of haemoglobin in the blood would be fatal,you only need one molecule of CO to render a whole haemaglobin molecule useless which usually carry's four O2 molecules,so if you have 30,000,000,000,000 RBC's(red blood cell), you have 270,000,000 haemaglobins in each RBC,you are gonna need about 2*10^21 molecules of CO to denature 40% of your haemaglobin which is probably fatal,or 0.0033moles/ 0.093 grams of CO,your average petrol car generates around 2g/km of CO so if you hooked the exhaust to a chamber and drove a kilometre you could kill 200 people with the CO alone,your average diesel car generates around 0.6g/km of COAnswer:Like most toxic poisonous substances Carbon Monoxide can be fatal at may combinations of time and exposure levels. There are safe working conditions hich allow some Carbon Monocide in the workplace air. The exposure time and levels of concern by NIOSH standards are:Exposure (hours)/CO Concentration (ppm)0.5 hours /2000 ppm1 hours /1600 ppm2 hours/1000 ppm4 hours / 400 ppm6 hours / 200 ppm8 hours / 150 ppm

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Poisonous gas during incomplete combustion of kerosene?

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What gases are contained in the products of incomplete combustion?

Incomplete combustion means burning in a lack of air (not enough oxygen). If there is not enough oxygen available for all the carbon to turn into carbon dioxide (complete combustion), then some or all of the carbon turns to carbon monoxide. This happens with any hydrocarbon - we shall take methane as an example. During incomplete combustion methane gas burns with a yellow flame (unlike the clear blue flame seen in complete combustion). Carbon particles (sooty marks) may also be seen. methane + oxygen carbon monoxide + water. 2CH4(g) + 3O2(g) 2CO(g) + 4H2O(l)

What gas is produced during combustion?

During combustion, carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapor (H2O) are typically produced as waste products. However, other gases such as carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) may also be formed depending on the specific conditions of the combustion process.

What happens in the body during carbon monoxide poisoning?

Carbon monoxide poisoning occurs when carbon monoxide binds to hemoglobin in red blood cells with a higher affinity than oxygen, reducing the amount of oxygen that can be carried in the bloodstream. This can lead to tissue hypoxia, which can cause symptoms like headache, dizziness, and confusion, and in severe cases, can result in organ damage or death.

Are carbon monoxide levels highest during cold weather?

The carbon monoxide levels in your home may be at their highest during cold weather for a couple of reasons. First, if the weather is cold you are likely running the heater, and gas- or oil-fired heaters can produce carbon monoxide. Second, you probably keep the windows and doors closed as much as possible, trapping carbon monoxide inside the house. The carbon monoxide emitted by a car may increase when it is cold because the engine burns fuel less efficiently when the engine is cold.

What environmental problems are caused by coarbon monoxide?

Carbon-monoxide is produced due to oxidation during combustion. Carbon-monoxide affects humans very much. Increased absorption of this gas may even result in death.

Are Carbon monoxide levels are highest during cold weather?

The carbon monoxide levels in your home may be at their highest during cold weather for a couple of reasons. First, if the weather is cold you are likely running the heater, and gas- or oil-fired heaters can produce carbon monoxide. Second, you probably keep the windows and doors closed as much as possible, trapping carbon monoxide inside the house. The carbon monoxide emitted by a car may increase when it is cold because the engine burns fuel less efficiently when the engine is cold.

Are carbon monoxide levels are usually highest during cold weather?

The carbon monoxide levels in your home may be at their highest during cold weather for a couple of reasons. First, if the weather is cold you are likely running the heater, and gas- or oil-fired heaters can produce carbon monoxide. Second, you probably keep the windows and doors closed as much as possible, trapping carbon monoxide inside the house. The carbon monoxide emitted by a car may increase when it is cold because the engine burns fuel less efficiently when the engine is cold.

What two subtances may be produced during incomplete combustion?

Soot and Carbon Monoxide.

Products of incomplete combustion?

Carbon, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide and Water C + CO + CO2 + H2O