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In the middle of "The Aged Mother," the main characters undergo a journey through a treacherous mountain to obey the cruel decree of abandoning the elderly. Along the way, the son and mother face numerous challenges and obstacles that test their determination and bond. Additionally, they encounter a series of symbolic trials that ultimately lead to a powerful and unexpected resolution.

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Q: What happens in the middle of the story the aged mother?
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The author of the story,''The story of the Aged Mother'' is Matsuo Basho

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The author of the story,''The story of the Aged Mother'' is Matsuo Basho

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The protagonist in the story of "The Aged Mother" is the aged mother herself. She is the central character in the story, and the narrative revolves around her journey and her relationship with her son.

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WHO are the main character of the story of the aged mother?

The main characters in the story "The Aged Mother" are the aged mother herself, her son, and the emperor. The story focuses on the relationship between the aged mother and her son, as well as the lessons the emperor learns from their journey.

Who are antagonis and protagonis of the story of the aged mother?

In the story "The Aged Mother," the protagonist is the aged mother and her son. The antagonist is the cruel ruler who orders all old people to be taken to mountain to die, including the aged mother.