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Q: What happens in the path of a reflex action?
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Is reflex action and reflex arcs are same?

Reflexes are uncontrollable movements that happen almost instantly in response to a stimuli. A reflex arc, a neuronal circuit that controls reflexes, is where reflex activities takes place.

What is the path that nervous impulse takes through the nervous system?

sensory neurone --> enters spinal cord --> relay neurone --> brain(is not a reflex action) or motor neurone(if action is reflex)

Which reflex action happens when dust gets into the trachea?

You simply cough.

Is sweating a reflex action?

No it is not a reflex action

What are reflex arcs and reflex actions?

The reflex arc is the nerve pathway that the signal follows. For example, the knee jerk reflex arc has a stimulus going to an interneuron in the spine and a motor neuron completes the arc by causing the knee to jerk. A reflex is just the action itself.

Which reflex action happens when you see or smell nice food?

You begin to produce saliva in anticipation.

What is the path of a reflex impulse?

the path of a refex impulse

What is the name for the path a reflex follows through the body?

reflex arc

What is a difference between reflex and voluntary action?

The difference between reflex and voluntary action is that a reflex occurs naturally in response to some sort of stimulus and voluntary action is something that is consciously carried out. An example of a reflex action is gagging and an example of voluntary action is flinching when someone is going to hit you.

What is the difference between conscious action and reflex action?

A reflex action is an action by which your body does subconsciously or naturally whereas a conscious action is an action that you intentionally respond and act towards.

How and why do reflex arcs occur?

A reflex action is an action that happens almost instantly without conscious thought. Grasp a very hot handle of a saucepan on the stove, and you immediately release the handle to avoid further burning by reflex action.

How is a reflex action different from a action by hormines?

Reflex action is the instant reaction of our body while hormonial action takes more time to react