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Q: What happens in the trmperature in the atmosphere as you go up through the troposphere?
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How does temperature change as you go through the atmosphere?

There are four layers of the atmosphere. At the ground is the troposphere, followed by the stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere. Temperature decreases with height through the troposphere, increases in the stratosphere, decreases in the mesosphere, then increases again in the thermosphere.

How does temperature change as you go higher through the atmosphere?

There are four layers of the atmosphere. At the ground is the troposphere, followed by the stratosphere, mesosphere and thermosphere. Temperature decreases with height through the troposphere, increases in the stratosphere, decreases in the mesosphere, then increases again in the thermosphere.

What layer of the atmosphere contains almost the most water vapor in the air?

They are found in the troposphere. This is because both water vapor and carbon dioxide are cycled through the atmosphere and the earth. Therefore, their atmospheric components come directly from the earth/ocean which means they will be found in the layer of atmosphere closest to the ground.

What thunderstorms form the portion of the atmosphere that the cloud grow through must be?

Thunderstorms form in the troposphere. The tops of strong thunderstorms may go into the stratosphere.

Are there radiations in the troposphere?

There is radiation of every wavelength longer than that of gamma waves propagating through the atmosphere. Why, I bet even you are emitting and absorbing radiation right now...

What happens to warm air as it moves through the atmosphere?

the warm air raises

Why troposphere is densest part of the atmosphere?

gravity helps pull down the layers of the atmosphere and the upper atmosphere is further away so its going to have less of a pull on it there for being less dense then the closest atmosphere. hoped that helped.

How is heat mostly moved through the troposphere?

Convection currents move heat throughout the troposphere.

In which layer of the atmosphere does most of Earth's weather occur?

Ultimately, major driving forces of weather on earth are uneven heating of the surface and moisture. The vast majority of the moisture in Earth's atmosphere is in the troposphere. The amounts in other layers are generally inconsequential. The troposphere is also the only layer that interacts directly with Earth's surface and is impacted by surface temperature, moisture content and the terrain. The other layers do not encounter such varied environments and so are realtively uniform compared to the troposphere.

What is the lowest temperature in the trophosphere?

The troposphere, the lowest layer of Earth's atmosphere, is heated from below. The troposphere is warmest at the bottom near Earth's surface. The troposphere is coldest at its top, where it meets up with the layer above (the stratosphere) at a boundary region called the tropopause. Temperatures drop as you move upward through the troposphere.Sunlight streams down from space through the atmosphere, striking the ground or ocean beneath. The sunlight heats the surface, and that surface radiates the heat into the adjacent atmosphere. Atmospheric scientists use a concept called a "standard atmosphere" to represent an average atmosphere with variations caused by weather, latitude, season, and so forth, removed. In the standard atmosphere model, the temperature at sea level at the bottom of the troposphere is 15° C (59° F). Higher up in the troposphere, where less heat from the surface warms the air, the temperature drops. Typically, the temperature drops about 6.5° C with each increase in altitude of 1 kilometer (about 3.6° F per 1,000 feet). The rate at which the temperature changes with altitude is called the "lapse rate". In the standard atmosphere, by the time you reach the top of the troposphere the temperature has fallen to a chilly -57° C (-70° F).Of course, the atmosphere is always changing and is never "standard". Temperatures in the troposphere, both at the surface and at various altitudes, do vary based on latitude, season, time of day or night, regional weather conditions, and so on. In some circumstances, the temperature at the top of the troposphere can be as low as -80° C (-110° F). When a weather phenomenon called at "temperature inversion" occurs, temperature in some part of the troposphere gets warmer with increasing altitude, contrary to the normal situation.In the layer above the troposphere, the stratosphere, temperature rises with increasing altitude. In the stratosphere, the air is heated from above by ultraviolet "light" which is absorbed by ozone molecules in the air. The tropopause is the boundary between the troposphere (below) and the stratosphere (above). The tropopause occurs where the temperature stops dropping with increasing altitude (in the troposphere) and begins climbing with increasing altitude (the stratosphere).

What happens to plants when UV rays make it through the atmosphere?

They burn up and explode.

What happens to red light when it travels through earth's atmosphere?

As light moves through the atmosphere, it continues to go straight until it bumps into a bit of dust or gas molecules