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Q: What happens on Bastille day every year?
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When was Bastille Day in 2009?

Bastille Day is on July 14 every year, it does not change date according to the week days.

In which month is the French holiday called Bastille Day?

Bastille Day is in July, on July 14 every year, regardless of the day of the week.

When is bastille night?

It should actually be Bastille Day's night, and it is on the evening of July 14 every year.

Bastille day season?

Bastille Day happens in summer, as it is July 14.

What year is Bastille day?

La Bastille is the name of a French jail stormed by the Parisian revolutionaries in July 14, 1789, not the name of a Saint.Since then, Bastille Day is celebrated on July 14 every year as the national day.

What year was Bastille day celebrated?

bastille day was celebrated on july 14

Is Bastille Day celebrated in France?

Bastille Day is celebrated in every French city and village.

What season is Bastille Day in?

Bastille Day is celebrated on July 14th each year.

What is the name of the famous french festival that happens every year?

A famous French annual holiday is French National Day (La Fête nationale in French), called Bastille Day in English-speaking countries

When is the the French national day?

The French national day is on July 14 every year and is called Bastille Day.

Is Bastille day celebrated all over France?

Bastille Day is celebrated in every French city and village.

Does Bastille day have any rituals?

Every Bastille Day is celebrated by a military parade during the morning. Many families celebrate by having a Bastille Day feast in the middle of the afternoon.