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Well Jem and Scout get attacked when they are walking home at night from the pageant. It's Bob Ewell who attacks them and pulls out a kitchen knife on them. He tries to stab Scout but her ham costume saves her. He takes Jem and breaks his arm. Then Boo Radley comes and saves them by pulling Bob Ewell off them and takes Jem to Atticus.

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10y ago
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12y ago

If you're referrng to when they get caught by Nathan Radley,his pants become caught in the Radley's fence,so they rip off him,and when he returns in the middle of the night to get them,they are sewn,bt they look as if a child or mentally handicapped person has tried to resew them.They suspect that it was Boo Radley.

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4mo ago

During the attack on Scout and Jem, Jem breaks his arm. Boo Radley saves the children by coming to their rescue and getting involved in the fight with Bob Ewell, ultimately protecting them from harm.

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12y ago

Bob Ewell attacks Jem and Scout and Boo kills him(Bob Ewell)

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15y ago

He breaks his arm

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Q: What happens to Jem during the attack and who saves him in To Kill a Mockingbird?
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Boo Radley comes to Jem and Scout's rescue in "To Kill a Mockingbird." He saves them from Bob Ewell's attack and ultimately turns out to be a kind and gentle neighbor who has been watching over them.

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Boo Radley saves Jem and Scout in Chapter 29 of "To Kill a Mockingbird" when he emerges from his house to defend the children from Bob Ewell's attack. Boo intervenes and ultimately saves Jem and Scout from harm.

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Boo Radley saves Jem and Scout from Bob Ewell in To Kill a Mockingbird.

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Throughout the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird," there are several instances of foreshadowing the attack on the children. For example, Scout's ham costume hints at the attack when she cannot see well and is unable to defend herself. The presence of Boo Radley also foreshadows the attack, as he ultimately saves the children from Bob Ewell's violence. Additionally, the mystery surrounding the Radley house and Boo's interactions with the children build tension leading up to the attack.

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Scout finally meets Boo Radley at the end of the book "To Kill a Mockingbird." Boo saves Scout and Jem from Bob Ewell's attack, and Scout gains a new understanding and appreciation for Boo.

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At the end of "To Kill a Mockingbird," Scout and Jem are attacked by Bob Ewell, but Boo Radley intervenes and saves them. The sheriff decides to cover up the incident to protect Boo, and Scout gains a greater understanding of empathy and the complexities of human nature.

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